1 line, 180 bytes
exec("x={};"+"a=input('Enter subject: ')[:3].upper();b=int(input('Enter marks: '))\nif a not in x or x[a]<b:x[a]=b\n"*int(input("Enter number of tuples: "))+"print((*x.items(),))")
3 lines, 171 bytes
exec("a=i('Enter subject: ')[:3].upper();b=int(i('Enter marks: '))\nif a not in x or x[a]<b:x[a]=b\n"*int(i("Enter number of tuples: ")))
Here's another approach that yields fewer bytes. It can be done in 1, 2 or 3 lines, with more lines enabling shorter overall programs. There's probably still even some improvements to be made here.