Jelly, 12 11 bytes
A full program that accepts a positive integer, \$n\$, from STDIN and prints a list of the first \$n\$ emanresu numbers.
BŒṖŒɠṂ’ƊƇµ# - Main Link: no arguments
# - start with k=0 and count up, collecting the first n (from STDIN) k
which are truthy under:
µ - the monadic chain, f(k):
B - convert (k) to binary
ŒṖ - all partitions (of the binary representation of k)
Ƈ - filter - keep those (partitions) which are truthy under:
Ɗ - last three links as a monad, f(partition):
Œɠ - run-lengths of equal elements (e.g. 101,101,1,1,1,0 -> 2,3,1)
Ṃ - minimum
’ - decrement (vectorises) -> 0 is falsey, other numbers are truthy
(a result of f(k) which is non-empty is truthy)