05AB1E, 7845 535
This converts the input from base 10
according to 05AB1E's codepage. T
is mapped to 29 and ö
to 245. Digits larger or equal to the base are allowed and "overflow" into the next digit.
This can be inverted by iterating the digits of the output in reverse:
inverse program:
[D0Q# "loop while TOS != 0"\
T‰` "divmod 10"\
5Qi "if the last digit was 10:"\
'öˆ24- "append ö to global array and subtract 24 from TOS"\
ë "else:"\
'Tˆ2- "append T to global array and subtrac 2 from TOS"\
]¯RJ "after the loop: reverse global array and join"\