JavaScript (ES6), 48 41 bytes
Expects a list of digits. Returns a Boolean value.
We use a syllable counter \$i\$ initialized to \$17\$, subtract either \$1\$ or \$2\$ from \$i\$ after each digit and check whether we end up with \$i=0\$. The haiku is supposed to look like that:
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01
When the digit is either \$0\$ or \$7\$ and \$i\equiv 6\pmod 7\$, we have an invalid hyphenation and subtract \$1/10\$ from \$i\$ instead of \$2\$. Because this test can only be triggered once, \$i\$ remains a non-integer value whatever happens next.