K4, 27 25 bytes
*(1+)/[{y=x*_y%x}. 1+;]1,
Pretty naive. Start with list of [1, x] and increment both until no longer divisible.
*(1+)/[{y=x*_y%x}. 1+;]1, / the solution
1, / prepend input with 1
( )\[ ;] / (loop)\[condition;start]
{ }. / lambda taking implicit x & y
1+ / add 1 (vectorised) [1, 13] => [2, 14]
y%x / divide y by x
_ / floor
y* / multiply by x
y= / equals y?
1+ / add 1 (vectorised) [1, 13] => [2, 14]
* / take first [2, 14] => 2