Jelly, 43 bytes
A monadic link taking a list of lists of integers (representing the stacks) and returning a list of lists of integers (representing the possible sequences of moves).
Explanation (method)
Works iteratively on 1 or more lists, each of which contains the sequence of cards so far at index 1, the sequence of stacks used at index 2 and the current stacks at positions 3 through 7. As such, the stacks are 3-indexed, and get changed to 0-indexing at the end. At each iteration, all possible moves are created, and then the sequence of cards is tested to check that the differences are all either -1, -6, 1 or 6. All valid moves are kept, and the next cycle of the loop is processed.
Explanation (code)
““”; | Prepend two empty lists
W | Wrap in a further list
Ʋ25¡ | Repeat the following 25 times:
$€ | - For each current working list:
Ɱ Ɗ | - Using each of the following as the right argument:
T | - Truthy indices (effectively here the indices of non-empty lists)
>Ƈ2 | - Keep only those greater than 2
¥ | - ... do the following as a dyad:
A | - Absolute (used here for the side effect of copying the list)
¥ | - Following as a dyad:
;" ɗ | - Concatenate to following, using zipped arguments:
ị@ | - Index into list using reversed arguments
Ṫ | - Tail, popping from list
; | - Concatenate (to the list index)
Ẏ | - Join outer lists together
ʋƇ | - Keep those lists where the following is true:
I | - Increments (vectorises)
Ḣ | - Head
A | - Absolute
fƑ 1,6 | - Invariant when filtered to only contain 1s and 6s
2ịⱮ | 2nd sublist of each (i.e. the sublist containing the list indices used)
_3 | Minus 3