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Christian Sievers
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This bot combines the simple strategy of Hesitate with the advanced last round strategy of BotFor2X, tries to remember who it is and goes wild when it finds it lives in an illusion.

class Rebel(Bot):

    p = []

    def __init__(self,*args):
        if self.p:
        l = [0]*5+[1]
        for i in range(300):
        m=[i/6 for i in range(1,5)]
        self.p.extend((1-sum([a*b for a,b in zip(m,l[i:])])
                                          for i in range(300) ))

    def update_state(self,*args):
        self.current_sum = sum(self.current_throws)
        # remember who we are:

    def expect(self,mts,ops):
        p = 1
        for s in ops:
            p *= self.p[mts-s]
        return p

    def throw_again(self,mts,ops):
        ps = self.expect(mts,ops)
        pr = sum((self.expect(mts+d,ops) for d in range(1,6)))/6
        return pr>ps

    def make_throw(self, scores, last_round):
        myscore = scores[self.index]
        if len(self.current_throws)>1:
            # hello Tleilaxu!
            target = 666
        elif last_round:
            target = max(scores)
        elif myscore==0:
            target = 17
            target = 35
        while myscore+self.current_sum < target:
            yield True
        if myscore+self.current_sum < 40:
            yield False
        opscores = scores[self.index+1:] + scores[:self.index]
        for i in range(len(opscores)):
            if opscores[i]>=40:
                opscores = opscores[:i]
        while True:
            yield self.throw_again(myscore+self.current_sum,opscores)
Christian Sievers
  • 7.1k
  • 1
  • 19
  • 25