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Charcoal, 101 bytes, score = 101

I⍘§⪪“_″FJ⁼⦄b\l≕)T‹#⊙xO-nη⁻À↓ζ↥ς§%H8H“ρj✳Hρl× S↶…|UD⎇LkfZ”³⌕⪪”@/rjmq_↙§E▶νF↨oº⁷÷K⁻eDH:_Tbk¦�”²⁺§θ⁰§θχγ

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Take the 1st and 11th character (cyclically) of the input string and concatenate them.


Look them up in the string SuJiSrUuNtEEVVMrGnTTMcClIIMoEpToPPEiHeTa split into pairs of characters.

§⪪“_″FJ⁼⦄b\l≕)T‹#⊙xO-nη⁻À↓ζ↥ς§%H8H“ρj✳Hρl× S↶…|UD⎇LkfZ”³

Split the string m.w'fv&J|\"l|\"e1 c& _c Ca ;e ;* 9a 9C 31 2; 0I .7 ,N ,7 (X (< into groups of three characters and take the corresponding group.

I⍘ ... γ

Decode the result as a base-95 number using the printable ASCII character set as the digits. Example: Io's 11th character is I, so we look up II and find it's the 13th largest object and its size is 31 which maps to 19 * 95 + 17 = 1822.

  • 177.2k
  • 12
  • 74
  • 281