#Pyth, 10 bytes
sMCc.[EZQQ Full program. .[E Pad the second input to the right, with repeated copies of... Z ... Zero (0), up to the nearest multiple of... Q ... The first input. c Q Chop into chunks of length equal to the first input. C Matrix transpose. Get all the columns of the nested list. sM Sum each. Output (implicitly).
#Pyth, 10 bytes
ms|%Q>vzdZ Full program. Q means input.
m Map over the implicit range [0, input_1), with a variable d.
>vzd All the elements of input_2 after d; input_2[d:] in Python.
%Q Every Qth element of ^.
| Z Logical OR with 0 (to handle an empty array after trimming).
s Sum. Implicitly output the result.