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Java highlighting
Kevin Cruijssen
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#Java 7, 317 bytes

void c(int w,int h)throws Exception{String r="";int x=0,j=0,i;for(;j++<h;x^=1,r+="\n")for(i=0;i<w;r+=(i+++x)%2<1?"_":"O");for(System.out.println(r);r.contains("O");System.out.println(r=r.substring(0,x)+'X'+r.substring(x+1))){Thread.sleep(1000);for(x=0;r.charAt(x)!='O';x=new java.util.Random().nextInt(r.length()));}}


void c(int w, int h) throws Exception{                     // Method with two integer parameters (throws Exception is required for the Thread.sleep)
  String r = "";                                           //  String we build to print
  int x=0, j=0, i;                                         //  Some temp values and indexes we use
  for(; j++<h;                                             //  Loop over the height 
      x^=1,                                                //    After every iteration change the flag `x` every iteration from 0 to 1, or vice-versa
      r += "\n")                                           //    And append the String with a new-line
    for(i=0; i<w;                                          //   Inner loop over the width
        r += (i++ + x)%2 < 1 ? "_" : "O")                  //    Append the String with either '_' or 'O' based on the row and flag-integer
    ;                                                      //   End inner width-loop (implicit / no body)
                                                           //  End height-loop (implicit / single-line body)
  for(                                                     //  Loop
    System.out.println(r);                                 //   Start by printing the starting wrap
    r.contains("O");                                       //   Continue loop as long as the String contains an 'O'
    System.out.println(r=                                  //   Print the changed String after every iteration
        r.substring(0,x)+'X'+r.substring(x+1))){           //    After we've replaced a random 'O' with 'X'
      Thread.sleep(1000);                                  //   Wait 1 second
      for(x=0; r.charAt(x) != 'O';                         //   Loop until we've found a random index containing still containing an 'O'
          x = new java.util.Random().nextInt(r.length()))  //    Select a random index in the String
      ;                                                    //   End loop that determines random index containing 'O' (implicit / no body)
  }                                                        //  End loop
}                                                          // End method

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Kevin Cruijssen
  • 131.4k
  • 13
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