Haskell 2063+2*151=2365
It's guaranteed the generated regex has length O(log n log log n).
matchIntRange 12345 7654321
import Data.Digits
data RegEx = Range Int Int | MatchNone | All Int
| Or RegEx RegEx | Concat [RegEx]
alphabet = "\\d"
instance Show RegEx where
show (Range i j)
| i == j = show i
| i+1 == j = concat ["[",show i,show j,"]"]
| i+2 == j = concat ["[",show i,show (i+1), show (i+2),"]"]
| otherwise = concat ["[",show i,"-",show j,"]"]
show (Or a b) = show a ++ "|" ++ show b
show MatchNone = "^$"
show (All n)
| n < 3 = concat $ replicate n alphabet
| otherwise = concat [alphabet,"{",show n,"}"]
show e@(Concat xs)
| atomic e = concatMap show xs
| otherwise = concatMap show' xs
where show' (Or a b) = "("++show (Or a b)++")"
show' x = show x
atomic (Concat xs) = all atomic xs
atomic (Or _ _) = False
atomic _ = True
-- Match integers in a certain range
matchIntRange :: Int->Int->RegEx
matchIntRange a b
| 0 > min a b = error "Negative input"
| a > b = MatchNone
| otherwise = build (d a) (d b)
where build :: [Int]->[Int]->RegEx
build [] [] = Concat []
build (a@(x:xs)) (b@(y:ys))
| sl && x == y = Concat [Range x x, build xs ys]
| sl && all9 && all0 = Concat [Range x y, All n]
| sl && all0 = Or (Concat [Range x (y-1), All n]) upper
| sl && all9 = Or lower (Concat [Range (x+1) y, All n])
| sl && x+1 <= y-1 = Or (Or lower middle) upper
| sl = Or lower upper
| otherwise = Or (build a (nines la)) (build (1:zeros la) b)
where (la,lb) = (length a, length b)
sl = la == lb
n = length xs
upper = Concat [Range y y, build (zeros n) ys]
lower = Concat [Range x x, build xs (nines n)]
middle = Concat [Range (x+1) (y-1), All n]
all9 = all (==9) ys
all0 = all (==0) xs
zeros n = replicate n 0
nines n = replicate n 9
d 0 = [0]
d n = digits 10 n
The code below is a simple version that helps with understanding the algorithm, but it doesn't do any optimization to improve the regex size.
matchIntRange 123 4321
The regular expression has 680 characters. Here is the code
import Data.Digits
data RegEx = Range Int Int | MatchNone | Or RegEx RegEx | Concat [RegEx]
alphabet = "\\d"
instance Show RegEx where
show (Range i j)
| i == j = show i
| otherwise = concat ["[",show i,"-",show j,"]"]
show (Or a b) = concat ["(",show a,"|",show b,")"]
show MatchNone = "^$"
show (Concat xs) = concatMap show xs
matchIntRange :: Int->Int->RegEx
matchIntRange a b
| 0 > min a b = error "Negative input"
| a > b = MatchNone
| otherwise = build (d a) (d b)
where build :: [Int]->[Int]->RegEx
build [] [] = Concat []
build (a@(x:xs)) (b@(y:ys))
| sl && x == y = Concat [Range x x, build xs ys]
| sl && x+1 <= y-1 = Or (Or lower middle) upper
| sl = Or lower upper
| otherwise = Or (build a (nines la)) (build (1:zeros la) b)
where (la,lb) = (length a, length b)
sl = la == lb
n = length xs
upper = Concat [Range y y, build (zeros n) ys]
lower = Concat [Range x x, build xs (nines n)]
middle = Concat [Range (x+1) (y-1), build (zeros n) (nines n)]
zeros n = replicate n 0
nines n = replicate n 9
d 0 = [0]
d n = digits 10 n