Python 3, 109 bytes
This is a simple answer that uses complex numbers, with input as a space-separated string or a newline-separated string. Golfing suggestions welcome!
def m(s,d=0,p=0):
for r in s.split():d+=(-1)**(r[0]<"R");p+=1j**d*int(r[1:])
return abs(p.real)+abs(p.imag)
def manhattan_rotation(seq, nsew=0, pos = 0):
for rot in seq.split():
# change direction
if rot[0] == "L":
nsew += -1
nsew += 1
# move in that direction rot[1:] times
pos += 1j ** nsew * int(rot[1:])
return abs(pos.real)+abs(pos.imag)