Linked Questions

550 votes
243 answers

Showcase of Languages

Notes This thread is open and unlocked only because the community decided to make an exception. Please do not use this question as evidence that you can ask similar questions here. Please do not ...
145 votes
581 answers

Shortest infinite loop producing no output

Your task is to create the shortest infinite loop! The point of this challenge is to create an infinite loop producing no output, unlike its possible duplicate. The reason to this is because the code ...
user41805's user avatar
  • 13.2k
149 votes
128 answers

Shortest Error Message

Challenge Write the shortest program that, when compiled or executed, produces a fatal error message smaller than the program itself. The error message may not be generated by the program itself, ...
user72528's user avatar
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73 votes
211 answers

The Programming Language Quiz, Mark II - Cops

A repost of this challenge. Meta discussion. Sandbox post. Body of the question similar to the original Robber's challenge This cops and robbers is now (08/03/2018) closed to further competing cop ...
caird coinheringaahin g's user avatar
83 votes
132 answers

Loop without 'looping' [closed]

A question similar to this has been asked a couple of years ago, but this one is even trickier. The challenge is simple. Write a program (in your language of choice) that repeatedly executes code ...
CailinP's user avatar
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125 votes
110 answers

Loading... Forever

Your challenge is to make an infinite loading screen, that looks like this: Or, to be more specific: Take no input. Output Loading..., with a trailing space, but ...
FlipTack's user avatar
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93 votes
73 answers

Why isn't it ending? [closed]

Your task: To write a program that should obviously terminate, but it never (to the extent of a computer crash) does. Make it look like it should perform a simple task: adding numbers, printing ...
Number9's user avatar
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37 votes
86 answers

Challenge: Write a piece of code that quits itself [closed]

I'm searching (am I?) for a piece of code that quits immediately - in an absolutely unconventional way. This does not mean: System.exit((int) 'A'); (Java). It ...
s3lph's user avatar
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40 votes
32 answers

Ridiculous Runtime Errors [closed]

Write programs that produce crazy, obscure, ridiculous, or just plain nutty runtime errors. Obfuscation and golfitude (shortness) not required. solutions that look like they should work fine are ...
Wug's user avatar
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63 votes
46 answers

Make your language *mostly* unusable! (Cops' thread)

Inspired by this comment... Thanks to users Step Hen, Wheat-Wizard, and Dennis for helping my solidify the specification of this challenge before posting it! This is the Cops' thread. For the ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 59.6k
30 votes
45 answers

Make your language *mostly* unusable (Robber's thread)

Inspired by this comment... Thanks to users Step Hen, Wheat-Wizard, and Dennis for helping my solidify the specification of this challenge before posting it! This is the Robber's thread! For the ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
  • 59.6k
45 votes
26 answers

Crash your favorite compiler [closed]

Write a perfectly legal code in a decent language of your choice whose compiling will either crash the compiler or send it into an infinite loop (infinite compile time). Restrictions: Use a standard ...
Petr's user avatar
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