Linked Questions

13 votes
5 answers

Across the alphabet

Across the alphabet In this challenge, you have trouble remembering the letters of the alphabet. To circumvent this, you go up and down the alphabet, till you get to the letter. Because you want ...
Downgoat's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Let's get ready for Halloween

I don't know about you all but I'm not preparing for Halloween––never did never will––but, my neighbor is, so we'll help her out. She needs help figuring out which brand of candy she has, but she has ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

multiplication table in javascript [duplicate]

This javascript code: for(x=1;x<6;x++)for(y=1;y<6;y++)console.log((y==1?'\n':'')+x+'*'+y+'='+x*y); prints the following: ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Build a Board of Napier's Bones

This proposal had few attention for 8 months (though an answer was posted in the sandbox at that time), so I decided to post it anyway. Introduction Napier's bones is a calculation tool, which helps ...
Shieru Asakoto's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Let's make a map of dungeon

Long time ago, when I was spending more time playing RPG, one of the issues what some players had, was to track party movement and to draw proper map. So I come with idea, to check how you guys come ...
user902383's user avatar
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