Rövarspråket is a word game played by Swedish children, from the books about Kalle Blomkvist by Astrid Lindgren.
The basic rules are as follows (from Wikipedia):
- Every consonant (spelling matters, not pronunciation) is doubled, and an o is inserted in-between.
- Vowels are left intact.
A few examples:
- "hello" -> "hohelollolo"
- "Min svävare är full med ål" -> "MoMinon sosvovävovarore äror fofulollol momedod ålol"
Swedish consonants are the same as the English ones, so the program should work with both Swedish and English entries.
The letter "y" is taken as a consonant in this case - as most of the time it is.
Your Task:
Write a program to convert a string of Swedish letters, inputted through a function or through stdin, into its Rövarspråket equivalent. Shortest answer in bytes wins!