This is the companion thread to the main Unscramble the Source Code challenge. If you think you have managed to unscramble one of the cop answers, you should post your solution as the answer to this thread.
As a reminder, you have one attempt at cracking each submission. Your cracking attempt will be an unscrambled version of the source code. If your guess matches the description (same characters, output, and of course language), and you are the first correct guess, then you win a point. It is important to note that your program does not have to exactly match the original, simply use the same characters and have the same functionality. This means there could be more than one correct answer.
The robber with the most points (successful cracks) wins.
Too many solves
- Martin Büttner: (Python 3, 16, matsjoyce), (CJam, 15, Ypnypn), (Mathematica, 29, Fox Wilson), (JavaScript, 15, Caridorc), (CJam, 52, user23013), (Pyth, 11, isaacg), (PHP, 22, kenorb), (PHP, 13, kenorb), (Ruby, 17, Doorknob), (PHP, 49, bwoebi), (Mathematica, 35, Tally), (GolfScript, 13, Peter Taylor), (JavaScript, 25, Cris), (JavaScript, 29, Cris), (JavaScript, 26, Cris), (Bash, 33, Debasis), (JavaScript, 10, Cris), (Lua, 28, ChipperNickel), (Mathematica, 18, Arcinde), (JavaScript, 30, Qwertiy), (CJam, 13, user23013), (JavaScript, 41, Ismael Miguel), (Ruby, 38, Doorknob), (Marbelous, 36, es1024), (PHP, 33, Ismael Miguel), (JavaScript, 29, Joe), (JavaScript, 28, Shawn Holzworth), (Ruby, 35, histocrat), (CJam, 19, Ypnypn), (Ruby, 17, Stephen Touset), (JavaScript, 36, MegaTom), (JavaScript, 24, fogcityben), (Python 3, 21, Reticality), (JavaScript, 10, Jamie Barker), (JavaScript, 15, Jamie Barker)
20 solves
- feersum: (Python 3, 44, Sp3000), (C, 70, es1024), (MATLAB, 41, COTO), (Brainfuck, 118, Sp3000), (C, 30, Ethiraric), (C, 28, Mig), (Python 3, 46, hosch250), (Java, 70, Rodolvertice), (C, 29, imallett), (Java, 226, nhahtdh), (Little Man Computer, 63, The Wolf), (Python 2, 89, Beta Decay), (Python 2, 41, muddyfish), (C, 63, es1024), (C++, 192, Arcinde), (Java, 108, durron597), (C#, 604, eshansingh1), (C, 44, Art), (Java, 134, Olavi Mustanoja), (Bash, 47, Vi.)
15 solves
- user23013: (CJam, 18, Ypnypn), (JavaScript, 26, hsl), (CJam, 12, COTO), (PHP, 23, bwoebi), (PHP, 54, Steve Robbins), (CJam, 32, Dennis), (CJam, 19, Martin Büttner), (Bash, 23, The Wolf), (Ruby, 33, Doorknob), (CJam, 34, Dennis), (JavaScript, 82, Ismael Miguel), (PHP, 80, Ismael Miguel), (QBasic, 43, DLosc), (QBasic, 42, DLosc), (ECMAScript, 90, Cris)
10 solves
- squeamish ossifrage: (Python, 44, Caridorc), (PHP, 52, PleaseStand), (Befunge-93, 17, user23013), (BBC BASIC, 187, Beta Decay), (C, 43, Allbeert), (Ruby, 58, Rodolvertice), (JavaScript, 32, hsl), (PHP, 33, kenorb), (Python 2, 16, imallett), (PHP, 53, PleaseStand)
- Sp3000: (Python, 154, Fox Wilson), (Python, 48, kgull), (Python, 68, horns), (Python 2, 38, FryAmTheEggman), (Python 2, 57, FryAmTheEggman), (Python, 74, xnor), (JavaScript, 66, Cris), (JavaScript, 70, Cris), (Python 2, 37, muddyfish), (Python, 55, FireFly)
7 solves
- grc: (Python 2, 61, FryAmTheEggman), (Perl 5, 47, chilemagic), (Python, 69, Sp3000), (Perl, 39, GentlePurpleRain), (Perl, 36, squeamish ossifrage), (Python 3, 110, Sp3000), (C, 53, FireFly)
5 solves
- hsl: (CoffeeScript, 25, Martin Büttner), (Golfscript, 20, Josiah Winslow), (Lua, 18, user3155415), (Python, 54, kgull), (Arithmetic, 31, Cris)
- PleaseStand: (PHP, 14, Tryth), (C++, 56, hosch250), (PHP, 21, kenorb), (QBasic, 37, DLosc), (JavaScript, 46, FireFly)
4 solves
- bwoebi: (PHP, 52, kenorb), (PHP, 30, Tryth), (PHP, 27, kenorb), (PHP, 44, kenorb)
- FireFly: (JavaScript, 94, Shawn Holzworth), (Python, 34, Sp3000), (Brainfuck, 39, Mig), (JavaScript, 69, Shawn Holzworth)
3 solves
- Optimizer: (JavaScript, 61, jsh), (JavaScript, 47, palerdot), (JavaScript, 42, Shawn Holzworth)
- es1024: (PHP, 46, Ismael Miguel), (Python shell, 15, xnor), (Python shell, 21, xnor)
- DLosc: (Python, 41, Sp3000), (Ruby, 37, Rodolvertice), (CJam, 14, User23013)
2 solves
- xnor: (Python 3, 37, matsjoyce), (Python 2, 29, Dennis)
- Daniel Wagner: (Haskell, size 34, Petr Pudlák), (Haskell, 42, proud haskeller)
- nneonneo: (Python, 41, Sp3000), (C, 43, FryAmTheEggman)
- Art: (C, 51, es1024), (C, 48, es1024)
- n̴̖̋h̷͉̃a̷̭̿h̸̡̅ẗ̵̨́d̷̰̀ĥ̷̳: (Java 6+, 101, Rodolvertice), (Java, 97, Olavi Mustanoja)
1 solve
- Ypnypn: (Python 2, 50, Geobits)
- matsjoyce: (Python 3, 12, xnor)
- user1354557: (Python, 56, Fox Wilson)
- Dennis: (CJam, 20, Martin Büttner)
- isaacg: (Pyth, 71, FryAmTheEggman)
- ConMan: (SAS, 17, user3490)
- Arcinde: (JavaScript, 285, Beta Decay)
- Shawn Hotazworth: (Javascript, 82, TrungDQ)
- nooodl: (Ruby, 49, Doorknob)
- Bhante Nandiya: (Python 3, 37, Sp3000)
- Geobits: (APL, 17, user23013)
- histocrat: (Ruby, 23, MegaTom)
- ProgramFOX: (Python, 13, Reticality)