Write two functions/programs which take an ASCII code of character (8-bit unsigned integer) and one of them converts char to uppercase and other to lowercase.
That is, they must be equivalent to following functions:
unsigned char toUpper(unsigned char c){
if (c >= 97 && c <= 122) return c - 32;
return c;
unsigned char toLower(unsigned char c){
if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) return c + 32;
return c;
However you are not allowed to use branching (if
s, goto
s), loops and comparison and logical operators. Recursion, language built-in functions, regular expressions, arrays and objects also not allowed.
You may use only arithmetic and bitwise operations on 8-bit unsigned integers.
1 - for | & ^ ~ >> <<
1.11 - for + -
1.28 - for *
1.411 - for / %
Answer with lowest total score (for two functions added) wins. If answers with equal score than first (oldest) answer wins.