

A ray of light is fired from the top left vertex of an MxN Chamber, where M a denotes the width and N denotes the height of the chamber. The ray of light advances one grid space per second. Given that T is the number of seconds to be simulated, calculate the number of reflections in this time frame.

For example, given 5 4 11 (ie. M = 5, N = 4, T = 11):

\/\  [
/\ \ [
\ \ \[
There would be 4 reflections, so the output should be 4.

Note that a reflection only counts if the ray of light has already bounced off it, so for example, given 5 4 10:

\/\  [
/\ \ [
  \ \[
There would only be 3 reflections, so the output should be 3.

Your Task

  • Sample Input: M, the width of the chamber, N, the height of the chamber, and T, the time frame. These are all numbers.

  • Output: Return the number of reflections.

Explained Examples

Input => Output
1 1 10 => 9 


The ray will be reflected back and forth a total of 9 times. 
Input => Output
5 1 10 => 9 


The ray will be reflected back and forth a total of 9 times. It will first go left to right, then go backwards right to left.
Input => Output
4 5 16 => 6 

\/\ [
/\ \[
\ \/[

The ray will be reflected back and forth a total of 6 times.
Input => Output
100 100 1 => 0 

\ ... [
...    x100

The ray never touches a wall, and is never reflected, so output 0.

Test Cases

Input => Output
5 4 11 => 4
5 4 10 => 3
1 1 10 => 9
5 1 10 => 9
4 5 16 => 6
100 100 1 => 0

3 2 9 => 5
5 7 5 => 0
3 2 10 => 6
6 3 18 => 5
5 3 16 => 7
1 1 100 => 99
4 4 100 => 24
2398 2308 4 => 0
10000 500 501 => 1
500 10000 502 => 1

Bonus points (not really): Listen to DeMarco's song Chamber of Reflection while solving this.

This is , so shortest answer wins.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Suggested tag: fizzbuzz /hj \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 1:38
  • \$\begingroup\$ If the light bounces off a corner, is that one reflection or two? \$\endgroup\$
    – xnor
    Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 2:10
  • \$\begingroup\$ @xnor It counts as one reflection. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 13:15
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Related \$\endgroup\$
    – c--
    Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 20:57

16 Answers 16


Python, 47 bytes

lambda M,N,T:len({*range(M,T,M),*range(N,T,N)})

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Enumerates and counts all bouncing times using the Python set type for deduplication.

  • \$\begingroup\$ This is creative, another nice one from Albert.Lang \$\endgroup\$
    – justhalf
    Commented Jul 17, 2023 at 8:35

C (gcc), 58 bytes


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Uses the formula:

\$ \lfloor \frac{T - 1}{M} \rfloor + \lfloor \frac{T - 1}{N} \rfloor - \lfloor \frac{T - 1}{lcm(M,N)} \rfloor\$


Nekomata, 5 bytes


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Takes input as [m,n],t.

ᵒ÷      Generate a division table of [0,...,t-1] and [m,n]
  u     Uniquify
   #    Length
    ←   Decrement

Python 3, 50 bytes

lambda x,y,t:len({(i//x,i//y)for i in range(t)})-1

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Python 3.8 (pre-release), 49 48 bytes

f=lambda M,N,T:(T:=T-1)and(T%M*(T%N)<1)+f(M,N,T)

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-1 byte thanks to c--


J, 18 bytes


Uses the division table method used by others. Expects M N f T.

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        (        )  NB. ‎⁡Dyadic hook
               i.   NB. ‎⁢0..y-1
             /~     NB. ‎⁣Table with flipped arguments, execute a u b for every a in x and b in y
         <.@%       NB. ‎⁤Divide then floor
<:@#@~.@            NB. ‎⁢⁡Then uniquify, length, and decrement

J, 19 bytes


Uses the closed form from c--'s answer, so please go upvote!

Expects M N f T, where M N is a list.

The major form is two hooks, an inner and outer hook, (H F)~ G, which is equivalent to (G y) H (F x), with +`-/ tacked on at the end, where x and y are the left and right arguments, respectively.

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                 <:  NB. ‎⁡Decrement T
     (         )~    NB. ‎⁢Flip the arguments for the inner hook
          [,*./      NB. ‎⁣Append lcm(M,N) to the list of dimensions
      <.@%           NB. ‎⁤Divide T-1 by each item of the result then floor
+`-/@                NB. ‎⁢⁡Then reduce by both + and -, i.e. +`-/ 6 3 1 = 6 + 3 - 1 = 8
  • \$\begingroup\$ Perfect use of gerund +`- \$\endgroup\$
    – Jonah
    Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 5:04
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Thanks! Means a lot coming from someone so experienced lol \$\endgroup\$
    – south
    Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 5:43

Jelly, 6 bytes


A dyadic Link that accepts the dimensions on the left and the time on the right and yields the number of completed reflections.

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ḍƇⱮṖTL - Link: dimensions = [M, N, ...]; time = T
   Ṗ   - pop {T} -> Seconds=[1,2,3,...,T-1]
  Ɱ    - map {across S in Seconds} with:
 Ƈ     -   keep {dimensions} that:
ḍ      -     divide {S}
    T  - truthy indices
     L - length

Lots more sixes such as, TIO:

ṖÆDfƇL - Link: time = T; dimensions = [M, N, ...]
Ṗ      - pop {T}
 ÆD    - divisors
    Ƈ  - keep those for which:
   f   -   filter keep {dimensions}
     L - length



×ⱮFQ<S, ×þFQ<S, ḍⱮṖṀƇL, ḍþṖṀƇL, ḍⱮṖṀ€S, ḍþṖṀ€S, ḍⱮṖẸ€S, ḍþṖẸ€S, ḍⱮṖẸƇL, ḍþṖẸƇL, Ḷ:€QL’, :þSṖṬS, ...

  • \$\begingroup\$ Another 6-byter that might inspire something: ×þFQ<S \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 3:07
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ ḍⱮṖṀƇL is also 6 bytes. \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented Jul 16, 2023 at 7:06

JavaScript (Node.js), 36 bytes

port of user1609012's Python answer


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Start from the end of the ray \$(t = T)\$, and count the number of times it bounced in it's way, that is, anytime \$t \equiv 1 \pmod M \lor t \equiv 1 \pmod N\$. It's easier to see if you extend the chamber infinitely and have the ray cross the chamber walls.

C (gcc), 39 bytes

port to C


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Octave, 33 bytes


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Thanks to @Luis Mendo for -2.

Octave, 35 bytes


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Port of @Albert.Lang's Python answer.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Looks good to me, @LuisMendo \$\endgroup\$
    – loopy walt
    Commented Jul 19, 2023 at 1:34

JavaScript (Node.js), 46 bytes


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Scala, 156 bytes

Golfed version. Try it online!

def f(M:Int)(N:Int):(Int,Int,Int)=>Int={def g(T:Int,x:Int=0,y:Int=0):Int=if(T<1)-1 else if(x==0||y==0)1+g(T-1,(x+1)%M,(y+1)%N)else g(T-1,(x+1)%M,(y+1)%N);g}

Ungolfed version. Try it online!

object Main {
  def f(M: Int)(N: Int): (Int, Int, Int) => Int = {
    def g(T: Int, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Int = {
      if (T == 0) T-1
      else if (x == 0 || y == 0) 1 + g(T - 1, (x + 1) % M, (y + 1) % N)
      else g(T - 1, (x + 1) % M, (y + 1) % N)


  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val testCases = Array(
      (5, 4, 11),
      (5, 4, 10),
      (1, 1, 10),
      (5, 1, 10),
      (4, 5, 16),
      (100, 100, 1),
      (3, 2, 9),
      (3, 2, 10),
      (6, 3, 18),
      (5, 3, 16),
      (1, 1, 100),
      (4, 4, 100),
      (2398, 2308, 4),
      (10000, 500, 501),
      (500, 10000, 502)

    testCases.foreach { case (a, b, c) =>
      println(f(a)(b)(c, 0, 0))


Charcoal, 15 bytes


Attempt This Online! Link is to verbose version of code. Takes T as the first parameter. Explanation:

 …              Exclusive range from
  ¹             Literal integer `1` to
   N            First input as a number
≔   θ           Save in variable
         θ      Saved range
        ﹪       Vectorised modulo
          N     Second input as a number
       ×        Pairwise multiplied by
            θ   Saved range
           ﹪    Vectorised modulo
             N  Third input as a number
      №         Count of
              ⁰ Literal integer `0`
     I          Cast to string
                Implicitly print

Racket, 210 bytes

(define(r M N T[R 0][X 0][Y 0][x 1][y 1])(let*([A(+ X x)][B(+ Y y)][a(or(< A 0)(> A M))][b(or(< B 0)(> B N))])(if(= T 0)R(r M N(- T 1)(if(or a b)(+ R 1)R)(if a(- X x)A)(if b(- Y y)B)(if a(- x)x)(if b(- y)y)))))

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For starters, this will definitely not win. Looking at the other answers, there seems to be a simpler algorithm to solving this. But I don't want to just copy things without having any understanding on how or why they work, so I decided to use a bruteforcing method of actually running the simulation.

Our function receives our three inputs M, N and T. It also receives a predefined state for the recursive loop.

(define (reflect M N T
                 [reflections 0]
                 [x-pos 0] [y-pos 0]
                 [dx 1] [dy 1])

We then calculate the next x and y position, and see whether the next position are out-of-bounds (-oob).

  (let* ([next-x-pos (+ x-pos dx)]
         [next-y-pos (+ y-pos dy)]
         [next-x-oob (or (< next-x-pos 0) (> next-x-pos M))]
         [next-y-oob (or (< next-y-pos 0) (> next-y-pos N))])

Once those values are calculated, we check whether our simulation time T is equal to zero. If it is, we return the resulting number of reflections. Otherwise we repeat the loop with a new set of configurations:

  1. Same M and N sizes.
  2. T - 1.
  3. If the next X and Y positions are out of bounds, reflections + 1, else reflections.
  4. If the next X position is out of bounds, recalculate the next position by flipping dx.
  5. If the next Y position is out of bounds, recalculate the next position by flipping dy.
  6. If the previously calculated next-x-pos is out of bounds, flip dx.
  7. If the previously calculated next-y-pos is out of bounds, flip dy.
(define (reflect M N T
                 [reflections 0]
                 [x-pos 0] [y-pos 0]
                 [dx 1] [dy 1])
  (let* ([next-x-pos (+ x-pos dx)]
         [next-y-pos (+ y-pos dy)]
         [next-x-oob (or (< next-x-pos 0) (> next-x-pos M))]
         [next-y-oob (or (< next-y-pos 0) (> next-y-pos N))])
    (if (= T 0)
        (reflect M N (- T 1)
                 (if (or next-x-oob next-y-oob)
                     (+ reflections 1)
                 (if next-x-oob
                     (- x-pos dx)
                 (if next-y-oob
                     (- y-pos dy)
                 (if next-x-oob
                     (- dx)
                 (if next-y-oob
                     (- dy)

Have an awesome weekend!


05AB1E, 8 bytes


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<L        # Use the first (implicit) input, and push a list in the range [1,input-1]
  s       # Swap to push the second (implicit) input-pair
   δ      # Apply double-vectorized:
    ÷     #  Integer-division
     Ù    # Uniquify this list of pairs
      g   # Pop and push the length
       <  # Decrease it by 1
          # (after which the result is output implicitly)

Thunno 2 L, 6 bytes


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Port of alephalpha's Nekomata answer.


ėsȷ÷Uṫ  # Implicit input
ė       # Push [1..t) to the stack
 s      # Swap so [m,n] is on top
  ȷ     # Outer product over:
   ÷    #  Integer division
    U   # Uniquify the list
     ṫ  # Remove the last item
        # Implicit output of length

Pyth, 7 bytes


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Port of @alephalpha's Nekomata answer.

Takes three inputs: time, width, height in that order.


tl{/R.QQ    # implicitly add Q
            # implicitly assign Q = eval(input()) and .Q to a list of the remaining input
   /R.QQ    # map division over range(Q) with .Q as the second argument, this automatically vectorizes
  {         # deduplicate
 l          # take the length
t           # subtract 1

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