A ray of light is fired from the top left vertex of an MxN
Chamber, where M
a denotes the width and N
denotes the height of the chamber. The ray of light advances one grid space per second. Given that T
is the number of seconds to be simulated, calculate the number of reflections in this time frame.
For example, given 5 4 11
(ie. M = 5, N = 4, T = 11
\/\ [
/\ \ [
\ \ \[
There would be 4 reflections, so the output should be 4.
Note that a reflection only counts if the ray of light has already bounced off it, so for example, given 5 4 10
\/\ [
/\ \ [
\ \[
There would only be 3 reflections, so the output should be 3.
Your Task
Sample Input: M, the width of the chamber, N, the height of the chamber, and T, the time frame. These are all numbers.
Output: Return the number of reflections.
Explained Examples
Input => Output
1 1 10 => 9
The ray will be reflected back and forth a total of 9 times.
Input => Output
5 1 10 => 9
The ray will be reflected back and forth a total of 9 times. It will first go left to right, then go backwards right to left.
Input => Output
4 5 16 => 6
\/\ [
/\ \[
\ \/[
The ray will be reflected back and forth a total of 6 times.
Input => Output
100 100 1 => 0
\ ... [
... x100
The ray never touches a wall, and is never reflected, so output 0.
Test Cases
Input => Output
5 4 11 => 4
5 4 10 => 3
1 1 10 => 9
5 1 10 => 9
4 5 16 => 6
100 100 1 => 0
3 2 9 => 5
5 7 5 => 0
3 2 10 => 6
6 3 18 => 5
5 3 16 => 7
1 1 100 => 99
4 4 100 => 24
2398 2308 4 => 0
10000 500 501 => 1
500 10000 502 => 1
Bonus points (not really): Listen to DeMarco's song Chamber of Reflection while solving this.
This is code-golf, so shortest answer wins.