Infix notation is a method of printing mathematical expressions where each operator sits between its two arguments, such as \$ \left(5 \cdot 4\right) + 3 \$.
Prefix notation is a method of printing expressions where operators sit before their arguments. The equivalent of the above is +*543
. It's a bit harder to understand than infix, but here's a sort of explanation:
+*543 # Expression
+ # Adding
*54 # Expression
* # The product of
5 # 5 and
4 # 4
3 # And 3
Your challenge is to, given an expression in prefix, convert it to infix notation.
You may take input as a string, character array, array of charcodes, etc.
The input will contain lowercase letters and digits, and can be assumed to be a valid expression - that is, each operator (letter) has exactly two operands and there is only one value left at the end
The output should be a valid expression in infix - that is, it should be an expression in the following recursive grammar:
digit := 0-9
operator := a-z
expression := digit | (expression operator expression)
That is, each expression should be a digit, or two expressions joined by an operator and wrapped in parentheses for unambiguity.
Note: Spaces are for clarity and are optional in the input and output.
Expression: x 3 u f 4 3 h 5 9
You could read this as x(3, u(f(4, 3), h(5, 9))) or something.
The x is taking 3 and the expression with a u as operands:
Result: (3 x ...)
Expression: u f 4 3 h 5 9
The u is taking the expression with a f and the expression with an h as operands.
Result: (3 x ((...) u (...)))
Expression: f 4 3
The f is taking 4 and 3 as operands.
Result: (3 x ((4 f 3) u (...)))
Expression: h 5 9
The h is taking 5 and 9 as operands.
Expression: (3 x ((4 f 3) u (5 h 9)))
And that's the result! Spaces are optional.
As usual, these are manually created, so comment if I've stuffed these up.
a34 -> (3a4)
ba567 -> ((5a6)b7)
cba1234 -> (((1a2)b3)c4)
a1b23 -> (1a(2b3))
a1fcb46d4e95ig6h42kj32l68 -> (1a(((4b6)c(4d(9e5)))f((6g(4h2))i((3j2)k(6l8)))))
Standard code-golf rules apply.