import copy, collections
import math, itertools
REDUCE_COUNT = itertools.count(1)
def parse_expr(s, paren=False):
expr_vars, expr_val, expr_demoninator, expr_groups = [], None, 1, []
expr_container, flag = [], True
while s and (not paren or s[0] != ')'):
if s[0].isdigit():
expr_val = (expr_val or 1) * int(s[0])
elif s[0].isalpha():
elif s[0] == '*':
elif s[0] == '/':
expr_demoninator *= int(s[1])
s, flag = s[2:], False
elif s[0] in {'+', '-'}:
if expr_val is not None or expr_vars or expr_groups:
expr_container.append({'type':'expr', 'coefficient':expr_val or 1, 'denominator':expr_demoninator, 'vars':sorted(expr_vars, key=lambda x:(isinstance(x, (dict, list)), str(x))), 'groups':sorted(expr_groups, key=str)})
expr_vars, expr_val, expr_demoninator, expr_groups = [], 1 if s[0] == '+' else -1, 1, []
elif s[0] == '(':
container, s = parse_expr(s[1:], True)
elif s[0] == ' ':
if flag:
s = s[1:]
flag = True
if expr_val is not None or expr_vars or expr_groups:
expr_container.append({'type':'expr', 'coefficient':expr_val or 1, 'denominator':expr_demoninator, 'vars':sorted(expr_vars, key=lambda x:(isinstance(x, (dict, list)), str(x))), 'groups':sorted(expr_groups, key=str)})
return {'type':'container', 'exprs':expr_container}, s
def expand_expr(expr):
def update_expr_vars(expr, expr_vars):
expr['coefficient'], expr['vars'], expr['denominator'] = expr['coefficient']*expr_vars['coefficient'], sorted(expr['vars']+expr_vars['vars']), expr['denominator']*expr_vars['denominator']
return expr
def to_expr_var(expr):
return {'coefficient':expr['coefficient'], 'vars':expr['vars'], 'denominator':expr['denominator']}
def distribute(expr, expr_vars={'coefficient':1, 'vars':[], 'denominator':1}):
if expr['type'] == 'container':
for i in expr['exprs']:
yield from distribute(i, expr_vars)
new_expr = update_expr_vars(eval(str(expr)), expr_vars)
if not new_expr['groups']:
yield new_expr
all_vars = [to_expr_var(new_expr)]
for i in new_expr['groups']:
all_vars = [x for y in all_vars for x in distribute(i, y)]
yield from all_vars
return {'type':'container', 'exprs':[*distribute(expr)]}
def reduce_terms(expr):
lcm, d = math.lcm(*[i['denominator'] for i in expr['exprs']]), collections.defaultdict(int)
for i in expr['exprs']:
d[str([i['vars'], i['groups'], i.get('reduce', 0)])] += i['coefficient']*(lcm/i['denominator'])
return {'type':'container', 'exprs':[{'type':'expr', 'coefficient':int(b), 'denominator':lcm, 'vars':eval(a)[0], 'groups':eval(a)[1]} for a, b in d.items() if b]}
def render_expr(expr, d=0):
if expr['type'] == 'container':
r_s = ''
for i in expr['exprs']:
if (v:=render_expr(i, 1)):
if v[0] == '-' and r_s and r_s[-1] == '+':
r_s = r_s[:-1]+v+'+'
r_s += v + '+'
if r_s and r_s[-1] == '+':
r_s = r_s[:-1]
return '' if not r_s else '('*d + r_s + ')'*d
if not any([expr['vars'], expr['groups']]):
return str(expr['coefficient'])+('/'+str(expr['denominator']) if expr['denominator'] != 1 else '')
result = ('' if abs(expr['coefficient']) == 1 else str(expr['coefficient'])) + ('-' if expr['coefficient'] == -1 else '')
if expr['vars']:
result += ('*'*(bool(result) and result[-1] != '-'))+'*'.join(expr['vars'])
if expr['groups']:
result += ('*'*(bool(result) and result[-1] != '-'))+'*'.join(render_expr(i, 1) for i in expr['groups'])
if expr['denominator'] != 1:
result += '/'+str(expr['denominator'])
return result
def factor_combos(all_combos, c = []):
if c: yield c
if all_combos:
for i in all_combos[0]:
yield from factor_combos(all_combos[1:], c+[i])
yield from factor_combos(all_combos[1:])
def expr_factors(expr):
assert expr['type'] == 'expr'
yield from factor_combos([
[{'type':'coefficient', 'v':i} for i in range(2, abs(expr['coefficient'])+1) if not expr['coefficient']%i],
[{'type':'vars', 'v':[*j]} for x in range(len(expr['vars'])+1) for j in itertools.combinations(expr['vars'], x)],
[{'type':'groups', 'v':[*j]} for x in range(len(expr['groups'])+1) for j in itertools.combinations(expr['groups'], x)]
def factor_match(expr, factor):
new_expr = eval(str(expr))
if 'coefficient' in factor:
if expr['coefficient']%factor['coefficient']:
return False
new_expr['coefficient'] = int(new_expr['coefficient']/factor['coefficient'])
if 'vars' in factor:
c1, c2 = collections.Counter(expr['vars']), collections.Counter(factor['vars'])
for a, b in c2.items():
if a not in c1 or b > c1[a]:
return False
c1[a] -= b
new_expr['vars'] = sorted([x for a, b in c1.items() for x in ([a]*b)])
if 'groups' in factor:
c1, c2 = collections.Counter(map(str, expr['groups'])), collections.Counter(map(str, factor['groups']))
for a, b in c2.items():
if a not in c1 or b > c1[a]:
return False
c1[a] -= b
new_expr['groups'] = sorted([eval(x) for a, b in c1.items() for x in ([a]*b)], key=str)
return new_expr
def group_common_factor(exprs, factor):
factor = {i['type']:i['v'] for i in factor}
matched, non_matched = [], []
for expr in exprs:
if (m:=factor_match(expr, factor)):
if len(matched) < 2:
return [], non_matched
old_denominator = matched[0]['denominator']
for i in matched:
i['denominator'] = 1
new_expr_var = {'type':'expr', 'coefficient':factor.get('coefficient', 1), 'denominator':old_denominator, 'vars':sorted(factor.get('vars', []), key=str), 'groups': sorted(factor.get('groups', [])+[{'type':'container', 'exprs':matched}], key=str)}
return new_expr_var, non_matched
def factor_ints(d, c = []):
def gen_num(n, denom):
return {'type':'expr', 'coefficient':n, 'denominator':denom, 'vars':[], 'groups':[], 'reduce':next(REDUCE_COUNT)}
if not d:
yield c
yield from factor_ints(d[1:], c+[d[0]])
if not any([d[0]['vars'], d[0]['groups']]):
for i in range(1, d[0]['coefficient']//2):
yield from factor_ints(d[1:], c+[gen_num(i, d[0]['denominator']), gen_num(d[0]['coefficient'] - i, d[0]['denominator'])])
def base_factor_combos(d, c = []):
if len(c) > 1 and len(c) < len(d):
yield sorted(c)
for i in d:
if i not in c:
yield from base_factor_combos(d, c+[i])
def full_base_factors(d):
return list(map(eval, set(map(str, base_factor_combos(d)))))
def produce_factor_combinations(exprs, c = [], f = 0):
yield {'type':'container', 'exprs':sorted(c+exprs, key=str)}
if exprs:
seen_factors = []
for i in exprs:
for _factor_group in expr_factors(i):
if (factor_group:=[*filter(lambda x:x['v'], _factor_group)]) and factor_group not in seen_factors:
matched, non_matched = group_common_factor(exprs, factor_group)
if matched:
yield from produce_factor_combinations(non_matched, c = c+[matched], f=f)
if not f:
for base_factor in full_base_factors([*range(len(non_matched))]):
if len(base_factor) > 2:
yield from produce_factor_combinations([a for j, a in enumerate(non_matched) if j not in base_factor], c = c+[matched]+[{'type':'expr', 'coefficient':1, 'denominator':matched['denominator'], 'vars':[], 'groups': [{'type':'container', 'exprs':[non_matched[j] for j in base_factor]}], 'base_factor':1}], f = 1)
def run_transformation(expr, len_cache):
queue, seen = collections.deque([(0, expr)]), []
while queue:
level, expr = queue.popleft()
reduced = reduce_terms(expr)
s = render_expr(reduced)
len_cache[len(s)]= s
if s not in seen and (not len_cache or (len(s) < min(len_cache) or level < 2)):
for i in produce_factor_combinations(reduced['exprs']):
queue.append((level+1, i))
def main(expr):
full_len_cache = {}
parse_result, _ = parse_expr(expr)
expanded = expand_expr(parse_result)
for i, _expr in enumerate(factor_ints(expanded['exprs'])):
len_cache = {}
run_transformation({'type': 'container', 'exprs':_expr}, len_cache)
return full_len_cache[min(full_len_cache)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
This solution takes in an expression, parses it, and then repeats a process of grouping on possible factors and then combining like terms. While the code is somewhat verbose, the overall idea is very simple. It is somewhat slow on large inputs, and could be optimized further.
, but you don't mention this in the first line. I'd suggest removing^
and using multiplication instead, otherwise the task becomes exponentially more complex and (cont.) \$\endgroup\$