You need to generate a program or function that takes in a positive integer N, calculates the first N terms of the Fibonacci sequence in binary, concatenates it into a single binary number, converts that number back to decimal, and then outputs the decimal as an integer.
For example
1 -> [0] -> 0 to decimal outputs 0
3 -> [0, 1, 1] -> 011 to decimal outputs 3
4 -> [0, 1, 1, 10] -> 01110 to decimal outputs 14
You do not need to output the ->
, just the number (e.g. if the user types 4
, just output 14
). The arrows are just to help explain what the program must do.
Test cases
1 -> 0
2 -> 1
3 -> 3
4 -> 14
5 -> 59
6 -> 477
7 -> 7640
8 -> 122253
9 -> 3912117
10 -> 250375522
11 -> 16024033463
12 -> 2051076283353
13 -> 525075528538512
14 -> 134419335305859305
15 -> 68822699676599964537
16 -> 70474444468838363686498
17 -> 72165831136090484414974939
18 -> 147795622166713312081868676669
19 -> 605370868394857726287334099638808
20 -> 4959198153890674493745840944241119317
The program must be able to output up to the limit of the language in use. No lookup tables or common workarounds allowed.
This is code-golf, so the answer with the shortest number of bytes wins!
int32_t binary_concat_Fib(int n)
, which would limit the resulting output value to 2^31-1. i.e. you get to assume all the concatenated bits fit in an integer. Or should the function work up to the point where the largest Fibonacci number doesn't fit in an integer on its own, so concatenating the bits takes extended precision? \$\endgroup\$