
I suddenly really want to play tennis, but alas I do not have a court!

Surprise! This is where you come in.

You have to print a tennis court for me, but you have to do it in the fewest bytes possible because of confidential reasons.

Tennis court

|       |
|   |   |
|   |   |
|       |

This is , so shortest code in bytes wins!

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Trailing newline allowed? \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 18, 2016 at 22:02
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Can the large gaps in row 2 and 8 be done using tabs? \$\endgroup\$
    – FlipTack
    Commented Dec 18, 2016 at 22:13
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ @Flp.Tkc, I don't think so. I think since nobody else in the six answers already posted knew that, it would be unfair. \$\endgroup\$
    – Daniel
    Commented Dec 18, 2016 at 22:25
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ This is a surprisingly tricky challenge for such a short output string! I like it. :) \$\endgroup\$
    – lynn
    Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 12:33
  • 7
    \$\begingroup\$ You can just call this challenge a "Dennis court" since everybody knows who will win anyway... :) \$\endgroup\$
    – user60199
    Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 19:31

47 Answers 47


Python 2, 60 bytes

for i in 0,7,0,3,-2,3,0,7,0:print(('-?x|'[i%4]+' '*i)*9)[:9]

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Uses Lynn's multiply-and-truncate method.


Lua, 105 bytes

Sure, I've already been beaten, but it ain't fun if you don't try!

Actual answer:

a,c,d="---------","xxxxxxxxx","|   |   |"p=print p(a)p("|       |")p(a)p(d)p(c)p(d)p(a)p("|       |")p(a)

Less hardcoded:

a,b,c,d=("-"):rep(9),(" "):rep(7),("x"):rep(9),"|   |   |"p=print p(a)p("|"..b.."|")p(a)p(d)p(c)p(d)p(a)p("|"..b.."|")p(a)

Uses String.rep to make it less hardcoded (though it adds bytes!) (instead of xxxxxxxxx, write ("x"):rep(9))

Just for fun, how easy would it be to just print it hardcoded?

|       |
|   |   |
|   |   |
|       |

100 bytes. That's shorter than my code. :(

  • \$\begingroup\$ Didn't checked the other ones, but the hardcoded version can be 98 characters if you remove the parenthesis: print[[…]]. \$\endgroup\$
    – manatwork
    Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 10:16
  • \$\begingroup\$ But the 2 mirrored halves approach is of course shorter: pastebin.com/pJLFEuck \$\endgroup\$
    – manatwork
    Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 10:26

Batch, 116 bytes

@set s=---------
@for %%s in (%s% "|       |" %s% "|   |   |" %s:-=x% "|   |   |" %s% "|       |" %s%)do @echo %%~s

Conveniently, expansion of for variables happens after parsing, so I only have to quote the |s once. However, only the horizontal lines are sufficiently repetitive that using a variable saves bytes.


Actually, 49 bytes

'x9*' 3*;2╟"|%s|%s|"%9'-*' 7*"|%s|"%9'-*k;RdX@i(i

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'x9*' 3*;2╟"|%s|%s|"%9'-*' 7*"|%s|"%9'-*k;RdX@i(i
'x9*                                               "xxxxxxxxx"
    ' 3*;2╟"|%s|%s|"%                              "|   |   |"
                     '-*' 7*"|%s|"%                "|       |"
                                   9'-*            "---------"
                                       k;          push entire stack to list, duplicate it
                                         RdX       reverse one copy and remove the string of "x"s from it
                                            @i     flatten the other copy
                                              (i   flatten the first copy and implicitly print

Scala, 90 bytes

val l="-"*9
val g="\n|       |\n"
val s="\n|   |   |\n"

MATL, 30 bytes


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R, 121 bytes

m=rbind(a<-rep("-",9),b<-c("|",rep(" ",7),"|"),a,b,rep("x",9),b,a,b,a);m[c(4,6),5]="|";for(i in 1:9)cat(m[i,],"\n",sep="")

First time trying a Kolmogorov-Complexity challenge, not sure R is really suited for it.


a <- rep("-", 9)
b <- c("|", rep(" ", 7), "|")
m <- rbind(a, b, a, b, rep("x", 9), b, a, b, a)

m[c(4,6), 5] <- "|"

for(i in 1:9){
  cat(m[i,], "\n", sep = "")


|       |
|   |   |
|   |   |
|       |
  • \$\begingroup\$ "|", rep(" ", 7), "|" is longer than "| ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ |" \$\endgroup\$
    – 12Me21
    Commented Feb 23, 2017 at 21:25
  • \$\begingroup\$ @12Me21 The code as I use it now requires a vector with each of the spaces in a separate string :/ so this wouldn't work with a direct substitution. \$\endgroup\$
    – JAD
    Commented Feb 24, 2017 at 22:15
  • \$\begingroup\$ This does make me realise though that this answer is longer than just printing the raw code. Ohwell... \$\endgroup\$
    – JAD
    Commented Feb 24, 2017 at 22:16

Scala, 83 bytes

val(a,b)=("-"*9+"\n|   ","   |\n")  
val c=s"$a $b$a|$b"  

C, 97 bytes

n=11;i,k;f(){i=n/10%10;k=n++%10;printf("%c",k?"| -x"[i%2?i==5|2:k%8-1&&k-5|i*i%5-1]:10);i?f():0;}

///, 55 bytes

/l/---//s/   //m/
|s s|

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SmileBASIC, 68 65 62 59 57 bytes


(note the 3 trailing spaces in line 1)

Of course, this will work in many other dialects of BASIC.


V$="|   " 'vertical line
H$="-"*9 'horizontal line
PRINT H$    '---------
PRINT V$,V$ '|       |
PRINT H$    '---------
PRINT V$*3  '|   |   |
PRINT "x"*9 'xxxxxxxxx
PRINT V$*3  '|   |   |
PRINT H$    '---------
PRINT V$,V$ '|       |
PRINT H$    '---------

, in PRINT is a tab, and luckily the default size is perfect for this challenge.


Java 8, 98 bytes

Store repeated lines and add it all together.

()->{String a="---------\n",b="|       |\n",c="|   |   |\n";return a+b+a+c+"xxxxxxxxx\n"+c+a+b+a;}

C#, 88 bytes

()=>{string a="---------\n",b="|   |   |\n";return(a+="|\t|\n"+a)+b+"xxxxxxxxx\n"+b+a;};

Anonymous function which returns the tennis court as a string.

Full program with ungolfed method:

using System;

namespace LetsPlayTennis
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Func<string> f =
            () =>
                string a = "---------\n",
                    b = "|   |   |\n";
                return (a += "|\t|\n" + a)
                    + b
                    + "xxxxxxxxx\n"
                    + b
                    + a;


Common Lisp, 90 86 85 81 79 bytes

(format t"~5@{~@?
~}"#1="~9@{-~}""|~8t|"#1#"|   |   |""~9@{x~}"1)

First we print out all arguments, and then we print them in reversed order (without xxxxxxxxx).

Similiar solution, but instead of providing every variable directly I give (where it's efficient) control string which will output needed text.


Pip -l, 31 bytes

"--x--"M_X9WV:" || "M_WRsX3WR'|

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We construct the even rows, then the odd rows, and then weave them together.

"--x--"M_X9WV:" || "M_WRsX3WR'|
                                 s is space (implicit)
       M                         Map this function
"--x--"                          to each character of this string:
        _X9                       Repeat the character 9 times
                                 The result is a list of five 9-character strings

                    M            Map this function
              " || "             to each character of this string:
                     _            The character
                      WR          wrapped on each side in
                        sX3       three spaces
                           WR'|   wrapped on each side in |
                                 The result is a list of four 9-character strings

           WV:                   Weave the two lists together (the : helps with parsing)
                                 Print, with each list element on its own line (-l flag)

MBASIC, 89 bytes

1 WIDTH 13:P$="---------":S$="|       |":T$="|   |   |":PRINT $S$P$T$"xxxxxxxxx"T$P$S$P$

More abuse of the WIDTH directive to save multiple PRINTs.


R, 76 bytes

"*"=strrep;write(c(a<-c(b<-"-"*9,"|       |",b,"|   |   |"),"x"*9,rev(a)),1)

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