“¡⁵÷ḞȯḤɼ’b4ị“- x|”s5ŒBŒḄY
I had hoped to use the 1,3,1 quarter court repetition, but can't squeeze that into less (a raw version being 28: “ßṂuB’b4s3x“¢¤¢‘ị“- x|”ŒBŒḄY
“¡⁵÷ḞȯḤɼ’b4ị“- x|”s5ŒBŒḄY - Main link: no arguments
“¡⁵÷ḞȯḤɼ’ - base 250 number: 375116358919167
b4 - convert to base 4:
ị“- x|” - index into character list "- x|" (1-based):
"-----| -----| |xxxxx"
s5 - split into chunks of length 5:
["-----","| ","-----","| |","xxxxx"]
ŒB - bounce (vectorises):
["---------","| |","---------","| | |","xxxxxxxxx"]
ŒḄ - bounce (non-vectorising version):
["---------","| |","---------","| | |","xxxxxxxxx","| | |","---------","| |","---------"]
Y - join with line feeds:
- implicit print