
Part of Advent of Code Golf 2021 event. See the linked meta post for details.

Related to AoC2017 Day 9.

Weekends are Bubbler's days off from posting these lol

A large stream blocks your path. According to the locals, it's not safe to cross the stream at the moment because it's full of garbage. You look down at the stream; rather than water, you discover that it's a stream of characters.

You sit for a while and record part of the stream (the input). The characters represent groups - sequences that begin with { and end with }. Within a group, there are zero or more other things, separated by commas: either another group or garbage. Since groups can contain other groups, a } only closes the most-recently-opened unclosed group - that is, they are nestable. The input represents a single group which itself may or may not contain smaller ones.

Sometimes, instead of a group, you will find garbage. Garbage begins with < and ends with >. Between those angle brackets, almost any character can appear, including { and }. Within garbage, < has no special meaning.

In a futile attempt to clean up the garbage, some program has canceled some of the characters within it using !: inside garbage, any character that comes after ! should be ignored, including <, >, and even another !.

You don't see any characters that deviate from these rules. Outside garbage, you only find well-formed groups, and garbage always terminates according to the rules above.

The following are some example streams with the number of groups they contain:

  • {}, 1 group.
  • {{{}}}, 3 groups.
  • {{},{}}, also 3 groups.
  • {{{},{},{{}}}}, 6 groups.
  • {<{},{},{{}}>}, 1 group (which itself contains garbage).
  • {<a>,<a>,<a>,<a>}, 1 group (containing four pieces of garbage).
  • {{<a>},{<a>},{<a>},{<a>}}, 5 groups.
  • {{<!>},{<!>},{<!>},{<a>}}, 2 groups (since all >s except the last one are cancelled, creating one large garbage).
  • {{<!!>,{<abc>},<!!!>>,{{<{!>}>},<yes<<<no>}},<>}, 5 groups.

Input: A self-contained, well-formed group as a string.

Output: The total number of groups it contains, including itself.

Standard rules apply. The shortest code in bytes wins.

  • 4
    \$\begingroup\$ So ! only cancels the single character after it? I think that it should be made clear that it's only the one character after ! that is ignored \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 6:03
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Suggested test case: {{<>,<!!>}}, 2 groups. My initial approach worked for all existing test cases, but not for this one (because I removed !> before !!, and therefore also incorrectly removed !}). \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 10:03

18 Answers 18


Retina 0.8.2, 12 bytes




Try it online! Link includes test cases. Explanation: The first stage deletes !s and the character they protect, the second stage deletes garbage, and the final stage counts the number of remaining groups.

  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ Talk about the right tool for the job… \$\endgroup\$
    – Jonah
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 1:07

JavaScript (Node.js), 41 bytes


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If it's acceptable to output in unary, remove the .length for 34 bytes.

This removes garbage and characters that aren't }, then counts what's left.

  • \$\begingroup\$ /<(!?.)*?>|./g saves you 6 bytes. \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 0:44
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Neil Nice, thanks! \$\endgroup\$
    – emanresu A
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 0:49
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @Neil What does *? do differently to *? \$\endgroup\$
    – emanresu A
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 0:51
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Unary output isn't normally allowed, is it? \$\endgroup\$
    – pxeger
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 7:29
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @emanresuA the most upvoted answer there says "only for sed/retina/etc.". JS's most natural number representation is definitely not unary. \$\endgroup\$
    – pxeger
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 9:46

Zsh, 35 bytes

tr -dc }<<<${1//<(!?|[^>])#>}|wc -c

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Removes all matches of the pattern <(!?|[^>])#>, which matches all garbage.

A few notes:

  • Zsh doesn't support greedy vs. non-greedy matching, so I have to use [^>] rather than just ?. (? matches any single character, but in order to get the garbage properly, >s must not be matched)
  • I count closing braces rather than opening braces at the end - they give the same result since they're always balanced, but } does not need to be escaped thanks to the ignore_closing_braces option

Ruby, 39 36 33 bytes


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Thanks lonelyelk for -3 bytes, I suck at regex.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ You can save one character since you don't need to remove the closing «>»: TIO \$\endgroup\$
    – lonelyelk
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 13:33
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Or using a lazy regexp it can even be made shorter (with removing of the closing «>» though) 36 bytes \$\endgroup\$
    – lonelyelk
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 13:50

TypeScript Types, 192 bytes

type M<T,N=[],A=[0]>=T extends`${infer C}${infer T}`?M<C extends"!"?T extends`${string}${infer T}`?T:0:T,C extends"{"?[...N,...A]:N,C extends"<"?[]:C extends">"?[0]:A>:N["length"]

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Ungolfed / Explanation

// Mode is [0] if parsing groups, or [] if parsing garbage
type Main<Str, Count=[], Mode=[0]> =
  // Get the first character of Str
  Str extends `${infer Char}${infer Rest}`
    ? Main<
      // If char is "!", set Str to Str[2..]; otherwise, set Str to Str[1..]
      Char extends "!" ? Rest extends`${string}${infer RestRest}` ? RestRest : 0 : Rest,
      // If char is "{", add Mode to Count
      Char extends "{" ? [...Count, ...Mode] : Count,
      // If char is "<", set Mode to [] (garbage); if char is ">", set Mode to [0] (not garbage)
      Char extends "<" ? [] : Char extends">" ? [0] : Mode
    // Str is empty; return Count
    : Count["length"]

Charcoal, 39 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:


Start off with no groups.


Start off with no garbage.


Start off without cancellation.


Loop over the input characters.


If the previous character was a ! then cancel this character.


Otherwise, switch on the current character.


If it's a ! then cancel the next character.


If it's a < then turn on garbage.


If it's a > then turn off garbage.


If it's a } that's not inside garbage then increment the number of groups.


Output the final number of groups.


Python 3, 117 bytes

for x,y in zip(s,s[1:]):
 if '!'not in x+y:
  if y in'<>':g='<>'.index(y)
  if g:n+=y=='}'

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A regex less solution, shorter than @Ajax1234

Python 2, 114 bytes (Unsure if allowed)

for x,y in zip(s,s[1:]):
 if '!'not in x+y:
  if y in'<>':g='<>'.index(y)
  if g*y=='}':print 1,

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outputs in unary with space between each digit

  • \$\begingroup\$ Fails for {<!!>,{}} (should be 2 groups). Other than that, n+=g*y=='}' works for the first answer to make it the same length as the second. \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 11:06
  • \$\begingroup\$ g=y=='>' saves you another 7 bytes. \$\endgroup\$
    – Neil
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 11:16

Python 3, 74 bytes

f=lambda s,m=1:s>''and(s[0]=='{'*m)+f(s[1+('!'==s[0]):],m^('><'[m]==s[0]))

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Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 68 bytes


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x86 32-bit machine code, 31 bytes

56 96 31 d2 31 c9 4a 42 41 ac 3c 21 75 01 46 3c 3e 74 f1 e2 f3 7a f1 73 ee 48 7b ed 5e 92 c3

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Following the regparm(1) calling convention, this takes the address of a null-terminated byte string in EAX.


.text                   # In the main loop, EDX will count the number of {
.global gstr            #  and ECX will be 1 outside garbage, 0 inside garbage.
.intel_syntax noprefix
    push esi        # Save the value of ESI onto the stack
    xchg esi, eax   # Switch the string address into ESI
    xor edx, edx    # Set EDX to 0
c1: xor ecx, ecx    # Set ECX to 0
    dec edx         #  (These two instructions have a net effect of nothing,
iD: inc edx         #    but we can jump into the middle to add 1 to EDX.)
r:  inc ecx         # Increment ECX, at first to 1
l:  lodsb           # Read a character from the string into AL
    cmp al, 0x21    # Check for !
    jne s           #  Jump if not !
    inc esi         #  If !, increment ESI to skip the next character
s:  cmp al, 0x3E    # Compare with >
    je c1           #  Jump on > to reset ECX to 1
    loop r          # Decrement ECX and jump (to restore it and proceed)
                    #  if it was 0 (within garbage)
    jpe r           # Jump (same) to ignore } and ,
    jnc iD          # Jump on { to count up in EDX (and restore ECX) 
    dec eax         # Decrement EAX, setting PF from the low 8 bits
    jpo l           # Jump on < to proceed (ECX remains 0)
    pop esi         # NUL: Restore the value of ESI from the stack
    xchg edx, eax   # Switch the count into EAX
    ret             # Return

Rust, 170 166 bytes

|i:&str|{let(mut g,mut s)=(0,vec![123]);for c in i.bytes(){match&[s[s.len()-1],c]{b"<!"|b"{<"|b"{{"=>s.push(c),[33,_]|b"<>"=>{s.pop();}b"{}"=>{g+=1;s.pop();}_=>()}}g}

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  • -4 bytes by not using Option (thanks @AnttiP)
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ -4 bytes by removing the question mark: |i:&str|{let(mut g,mut s)=(0,vec![123]);for c in i.bytes(){match&[s[s.len()-1],c]{b"<!"|b"{<"|b"{{"=>s.push(c),[33,_]|b"<>"=>{s.pop();}b"{}"=>{g+=1;s.pop();}_=>()}}g} \$\endgroup\$
    – AnttiP
    Commented Dec 12, 2021 at 17:59

BQN, 56 bytesSBCS


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-10 bytes from ovs.

Individually removes each main pattern (!, <>, ,) and checks length. Then divide that by 2 and take ceiling.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ (𝕨=0)+|𝕨 can be shortened to 1⌈|𝕨. And ('<'⊸=-'>'⊸=)𝕩 -> -˝"<>"=⌜𝕩. \$\endgroup\$
    – ovs
    Commented Dec 11, 2021 at 12:44
  • \$\begingroup\$ This is actually 56 bytes. Javascript's String.length counts some characters such as 𝕩 and 𝕨 as 2 chars. You can fix that in the userscript by replacing fun.length with Array.from(fun).length. \$\endgroup\$
    – ovs
    Commented Dec 15, 2021 at 10:02
  • \$\begingroup\$ oh, i see what's happening \$\endgroup\$
    – Razetime
    Commented Dec 15, 2021 at 10:20
  • \$\begingroup\$ @ovs update has been pushed \$\endgroup\$
    – Razetime
    Commented Dec 15, 2021 at 10:23

Pari/GP, 78 bytes


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When your language doesn't have regexp or any string pattern matching built-in...


05AB1E, 17 16 bytes


Despite 05AB1E's lack of regex, it turned out surprisingly short. :)

Try it online or verify all test cases.


         # Remove all "!" and the character after it:
'!š     '#  Split the (implicit) input-string to a list of characters, and prepend a "!"
   ¬     #  Push the first item (without popping), which is the "!"
    ì    #  Prepend this "!" in front of each character
     K   #  Remove all those 2-char strings from the (implicit) input-string
         #  (the `š¬` is necessary to first remove all "!!")
         # Remove all "<...>" garbage groups:
D        #  Duplicate the string
 Œ       #  Pop the copy, and push all its substrings
  €      #  Map each substring to:
   …<ÿ>  #  Prepend a "<" and append a ">"
       K #  Remove all those from the string as well
         # Count how many groups are left:
¤        #  Push the last character (without popping), which is "}"
 ¢       #  Count how many "}" are in the string
         # (after which the result is output implicitly)

Python3, 156 bytes:

f=lambda x,g=0,c=0,i=0:c if not x else f(x[1:],(g:=(x[0]=='<'or(x[0]!='>'and g))),c+(not g and x[0]=='}' and not i),x[0]=='!'or(i and x[0]not in [",","}"]))

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Python 3, 54 bytes

lambda x:re.sub('<(!?.)*?>','',x).count('{')
import re

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Port of my JS answer. Go read that, it's almost the same thing.


Perl 5 -p, 26 bytes


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SM83, 24 bytes

Input in hl as null-terminated string. Output in bc.

2A B7 C8 FE 7B 20 01 03
FE 3C 20 F4 2A FE 3E 28
EF FE 21 20 F7 23 18 F4
    ld a,(hl+)      ;; 2A       ;; load char
    or a            ;; B7       ;; test for 0
    ret z           ;; C8       ;; if so, at end; return
    cp '{'          ;; FE 7B
    jr nz,x         ;; 20 01    ;; if not '{'
    inc bc          ;; 03       ;; increment result
    cp '<'          ;; FE 3C    ;; if not '<'
    jr nz,f         ;; 20 F4    ;; loop
l:                              ;; degarbaging:
    ld a,(hl+)      ;; 2A       ;; load char
    cp '>'          ;; FE 3E    ;; if '>'
    jr z,f          ;; 28 EF    ;; go back to start
    cp '!'          ;; FE 21    ;; if not '!'
    jr nz,l         ;; 20 F7    ;; continue degarbaging
    inc hl          ;; 23       ;; skip char
    jr l            ;; 18 F4    ;; and continue degarbaging

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