Scala 3, 526...358 357 bytes
n=>m=>{val S=Set
if 0<y&y<=n&0<x&x<y*2}yield
S(0 to 4:_*).scanLeft(if(s.size<m)t-s+(s+(x->y))else t+S(x->y)){(t,i)=>{(x,y)=>Seq((x,n+1-y+x/2),y*2-x->y)(i%2)})})map(_.head)}
Try it in Scastie!
Dotty's tupled parameter destructuring save a few bytes, but it's pretty much the same as the approach below.
Scala 2, 548...362 361 bytes
n=>m=>{val S=Set
if 0<y&y<=n&0<x&x<y*2}yield
S(0 to 4:_*).scanLeft(if(s.size<m)t-s+(s+(x->y))else t+S(x->y)){(t,i)=>{case(x,y)=>Seq((x,n+1-y+x/2),y*2-x->y)(i%2)})})map(_.head)}
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Ungolfed version
To see the individual triangles
Each point is represented by an x-y pair (Int,Int)
. The x-position starts out at 1 at the left and increases as it goes to the right. The y-position starts out at 1 at the top and increases as it goes to the bottom. A piece of the triangle is represented as a set of points (Set[(Int,Int)]
), and a triangle (possible solution) is represented as a set of those pieces (Set[Set[(Int,Int)]]
The first line defines c
, a Set
which will hold all possible solutions (and currently just holds a single partially completed triangle that holds a single piece that holds a single point (\$(1,1)\$, the top of the triangle)). d
says how many of those triangles are completed. This is the variable that will be returned at the very end.
The bulk of the function is taken up by a while loop that runs as long as d
is 0 and c
is not empty (if d
is more than 0, it means we've found all the triangles we're ever going to find, and if c
is empty, it means there aren't any possible solutions).
Each iteration, d
is set to the number of triangles in c
that have has \$\frac{n*n}{m}\$ pieces and all their pieces are of size m
. For that, the expression c.count{t=>t.size*m==n*n&t.forall(_.size==m)}
can be used.
Then, we find the next value of c
. The code creates new triangles by adding neighbors to the old triangles in c
, and to ensure only unique triangles are kept, it first creates a set of all 6 permutations for each of the new triangles. Because c
is a Set
, it removes duplicates by default without us having to do any work. After the permutations have been generated and the duplicates remove, it's simple to extract a single permutation with <all_permutations>map(_.head)
When the while loop ends, we simply return d
Generating new triangles
For every shape in a triangle, we take all its neighbors, and remove the ones that are already in the triangle. Then, if the shape already has \$m\$ cells, we make a new shape containing only the neighbor and add it to the triangle, otherwise we add the neighbor to the shape. For comprehensions make this part easy:
for {
t <- c //For every triangle t in c
s <- t //For every piece/shape s in t
a -> b <- s //For every point (a, b) in s
e = a % 2 * 2 - 1 //This is just to reuse
//The cell to the left, the cell to the right, and the cell above/below
neighbors <- Set( (a - 1, b) , (a + 1, b) , (a + e, b + e) )
//x and y are the coordinates of the neighbor
x -> y <- neighbors -- t.flatten //Remove neighbors already in the triangle
//Make sure the neighbor is within bounds of the triangle
if 0 < y & y <= n & 0 < x & x < y * 2
} yield (
if (s.size < m) t - s + (s + (x -> y)) //If s is not full, add the neighbor to s
else t + Set(x -> y) //Otherwise, make a new shape containing just (x, y)
The new triangles are not directly yielded, this is just an example.
Generating all permutations
Each triangle has 6 different permutations, which can be found by alternating between reflecting over the y-axis and rotating 60 degrees clockwise + reflecting it over the y-axis. We can scanLeft
over a range of numbers, doing the first transformation when the element is even, and the second when it's odd.
Assuming we already have a triangle <new_triangle>
, we can scan left over a range of 5 numbers, leaving us with 6 triangles:<new_triangle>){
(t, i) => //i is the current index/element, t is the triangle to transform { s => //Transform every shape s in t {
case (x, y) => //Transform every point in s (x, y)
//If i is even, it will rotate+reflect, if it's odd, it will reflect
Seq( (x, n + 1 - y + x / 2) , (y * 2 - x, y) )(i%2)
Reflecting a point over the y-axis:
For a point \$(x,y)\$, the y-coordinate stays the same after reflecting, and the x-coordinate becomes \$y * 2 - x\$, since \$y * 2\$ is the biggest possible x-coordinate for a given y-coordinate.
Rotating a point 60 degrees clockwise + reflecting it over the y-axis:
You can rotate and reflect a point at once if you keep the x-coordinate the same and set the y-coordinate to \$n + 1 - y + x / 2\$.
//Take n and m, curried
n => m => {
val S = Set //The Set companion object, to reuse later
//c holds all our possible solutions/triangles as we build them
//d holds how many of the triangles in c are complete
var (c, d) = S(S(S(1 -> 1))) -> 0
//While we haven't found any complete triangles and
//the set of possible solutions is nonempty, keep going
while (d < 1 & c != S()) {
//Count how many of c's triangles have n*n/m pieces, each with m cells
d = c.count { t => t.size * m == n * n & t.forall(_.size == m) }
//This for comprehension adds a cell to each triangle and
//generates all permutations of each new triangle
c = (for {
t <- c
s <- t
a -> b <- s
c = a % 2 * 2 - 1
x -> y <- S(a - 1 -> b, a + 1 -> b, (a + c, b + c)) -- t.flatten
if 0 < y & y <= n & 0 < x & x < y * 2
} yield
S(0 to 4:_*).scanLeft(
if (s.size < m) t - s + (s + (x -> y))
else t + Set(x -> y)
) { (t, i) => { case (x, y) =>
Seq((x, n + 1 - y + x / 2), y * 2 - x -> y)(i % 2)
//Convert the Seq of permutations to a set so duplicates can be compared out of order and removed
) //End of massive for-comprehension
map (_.head) //Extract only the first permutation from each set of permutations