Ruby 2.0
With the operator set [U,D,F,L], the fewest number of string selects to sort the list is the number of items in the list minus the longest common subsequence. To add the R operator, just reverse the string and apply the same rule. Unfortunately, minimizing string selects is not the same as minimizing the number of operations. For example, for an input of 8 dd ww aa bb cc xx yy zz
, the correct answer is ww D D D dd D D D
, but the fewest number of operations (that meets the other criteria in the question) would be cc F bb F aa F
. This means that a much larger portion of the set of possible sort paths needs to be explored.
This solution uses a depth-first search strategy and alpha-beta pruning. It's important to lower the alpha value rapidly to minimize the search depth, otherwise the search tree explodes exponential. E.g. to determine the sort path with the minimum score for OP's introductory example, sorting months in calendar order to lexical order, will probably take a few decades with this program's current scoring method. The program finds the minimum number of string selects, 8, very quickly. Unfortunately, that still leaves an enormous tree to walk through.
I'm using gnome sort as my scoring function because:
- it's simple to understand and modify
- the scoring usually converges to the optimal alpha quickly
- this implementation is faster than my LCS function implementation
- it will golf better than the LCS function
Number 4 would be sufficient. Everything else is a bonus.
For a depth-first search, the order in which operations are explored has a significant impact on the search time. Since any non-empty set of N items can be sorted with ≤ N-1 F(irst) or L(ast) operations, those operations are tried first.
# gnome sort
def gnomeSort(a)
selects = 0
previous = nil
i = 1
while i < a.size
if a[i-1] <= a[i]
# the array a[0..i] is sorted
i += 1 # take another bite
if a[i] != previous
previous = a[i]
selects += 1
a[i], a[i-1] = a[i-1], a[i]
if (i > 1)
i -= 1
return selects
def score(a)
return gnomeSort(a.dup)
# squeeze out unnecessary operands
def consolidate(a)
# separate operands and operators
x = [] # operands
f = [] # operators
a.each_slice(2) { |a,b|
x << a
f << b
n = x.size # number of (operand operator) pairs
if n>=2
# replace all R operands with the lexically lower operand
# from the right or left
if v=='R'
leftOperand = x[i-1]
rightOperand = x[i+1]
# handle left & right edge cases
leftOperand = rightOperand.succ if i==0
rightOperand = leftOperand.succ if i>=n-1
x[i] = [leftOperand, rightOperand].min
# replace repeated operands with <nil>
x = x.chunk{|e|e}.map{|v|v[1].fill(nil,1)}.flatten
return [x, f]
@solutions = []
@operation = []
@operation[3] = ->(a, i) {
# swap a[i] and a[i-1]
return nil if i<1 || i>=a.size
v = a[i]
a[i-1], a[i] = a[i], a[i-1]
return [ v, 'U' ]
@operation[0] = ->(a, i) {
# move a[i] after a.last
return nil if i+1>=a.size
return [ v, 'L' ]
@operation[4] = ->(a, i) {
# reverse the whole array
v = a[i]
return [ v, 'R' ]
@operation[1] = ->(a, i) {
# move a[i] before a.first
return nil if i<=0
return [ v, 'F' ]
@operation[2] = ->(a, i) {
# swap a[i] and a[i+1]
return nil if i<0 || i+1>=a.size
v = a[i]
a[i], a[i+1] = a[i+1], a[i]
return [ v, 'D' ]
def alphaSort(depth, a, selected, selects, sortPath)
depth += 1
return if selects > @alpha
return if selects>@alpha || selects+depth>a.size+1
if a.each_cons(2).all?{ |x, y| x <= y }
# found a sort path
@alpha = selects
@solutions << sortPath.flatten.compact
selectsFromHere = score(a)
if @alpha > selects+selectsFromHere
@alpha = selects+selectsFromHere
@operation.each do |op|
a.each_index do |i|
b = a.dup
branch = sortPath.dup << op[b,i]
alphaSort(depth, b, a[i], selects+(selected==a[i] ? 0 : 1), branch)
# input
a =\w+/m) # alternative, $*[0].scan(/\w+/m)
a.shift # ignore the item count
# depth-first search of sort operations
@alpha = [a.size-1, score(a), score(a.reverse)+1].min + 1
alphaSort(0, a, nil, 0, [])
# winnow the set of solutions
# determine the minimum number of string selects to solve
# short-circuit if selects to solve is 0 (already sorted)!{|v|consolidate v}
minSelects ={|v|v[0].compact.size}.min
if !minSelects
# keep only solutions with the minimum number of string selects
@solutions.reject!{ |v| v[0].compact.size > minSelects }
# determine the minimum number of moves in the remaining solutions
minMoves ={|v|v[1].size}.min
# keep only solutions with the minimum number of moves
@solutions.reject!{ |v| v[1].size > minMoves }
# beauty contest
# turn into strings
solutions ={|v|v[0].zip(v[1]).flatten.compact*' '}
# keep the shortest strings
minLength ={|v|v.size}.min
solutions.reject!{ |v| v.size > minLength }
# print the string that "that comes first alphabetically"
puts solutions.sort.first
It passes this perl TAP test suite:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
#use Test::More tests => 61;
# solution executable
my $solver = 'ruby2.0 sortshort.rb';
my $nonTrivial = 1;
# "happy" path
# examples from OP
is( `echo 2 zz abc | $solver 2>&1`, "zz D\n", 'OP example #1');
is( `echo 3 cc bb aa | $solver 2>&1`, "aa R\n", 'OP example #2');
is( `echo 4 abc def cd ccc | $solver 2>&1`, "abc L R\n", 'OP example #3');
is( `echo 6 rr mm nn oo qq pp | $solver 2>&1`, "pp U rr L\n", 'OP example #4');
# example from bizangles
is( `echo 6 xx aa dd bb ee cc | $solver 2>&1`, "dd L ee L xx L\n", 'wascally wabbit, challenges deep diver (from bizangles)');
skip('non-trivial tests', 2) unless $nonTrivial;
# 7 item example; bizangles' python solution (circa 2014-08-22) requires higher sys.setrecursionlimit() and takes about 5 minutes
is( `echo 7 aa bb ee cc dd ff gg | $solver 2>&1`, "ee D D\n", 'shallow');
# minimizing the number of selects scores better than minimizing moves
# minimizing moves => cc F bb F aa F
# minimizing selects => dd D D D D ww D D D D, ww D D D dd D D D, ww L U U U dd D D D, etc.
# minimizing selects, then moves => ww D D D dd D D D
is( `echo 8 dd ww aa bb cc xx yy zz | $solver 2>&1`, "ww D D D dd D D D\n", 'joker, minimize selects before moves');
# exhaustive variations on a theme with 1 item ["aa"]
is( `echo 1 aa | $solver 2>&1`, "\n", 'permutations of 1, #1');
# exhaustive variations on a theme with 2 items ["ab", "c"]
is( `echo 2 ab c | $solver 2>&1`, "\n", 'permutations of 2, #1');
# test OP's requirement that a string be selected before reverse operation
is( `echo 2 c ab | $solver 2>&1`, "c D\n", 'permutations of 2, #2');
# exhaustive variations on a theme with 3 items ["five", "four", "three"]
is( `echo 3 five four three | $solver 2>&1`, "\n", 'permutations of 3, #1');
is( `echo 3 five three four | $solver 2>&1`, "four U\n", 'permutations of 3, #2');
is( `echo 3 four five three | $solver 2>&1`, "five F\n", 'permutations of 3, #3');
is( `echo 3 four three five | $solver 2>&1`, "five F\n", 'permutations of 3, #4');
is( `echo 3 three five four | $solver 2>&1`, "three L\n", 'permutations of 3, #5');
is( `echo 3 three four five | $solver 2>&1`, "five R\n", 'permutations of 3, #6');
# selected variations on a theme with 5 items ["aa", "bb", "cc", "dd", "ee"]
is( `echo 5 aa bb cc dd ee | $solver 2>&1`, "\n", 'permutations of 5, #1, already sorted');
# two sort paths of length 1
is( `echo 5 aa bb cc ee dd | $solver 2>&1`, "dd U\n", 'permutations of 5, #2, single U or D');
is( `echo 5 aa bb ee cc dd | $solver 2>&1`, "ee L\n", 'permutations of 5, #4, single L');
is( `echo 5 bb cc aa dd ee | $solver 2>&1`, "aa F\n", 'permutations of 5, #31, single F');
is( `echo 5 ee dd cc bb aa | $solver 2>&1`, "aa R\n", 'permutations of 5, #120, reverse sorted');
# exhaustive variations on a theme with 4 items ["aa", "bb", "cc", "dd"]
# sort paths of length 0
is( `echo 4 aa bb cc dd | $solver 2>&1`, "\n", 'permutations of 4, #1');
# sort paths of length 1
is( `echo 4 aa bb dd cc | $solver 2>&1`, "cc U\n", 'permutations of 4, #2');
is( `echo 4 aa cc bb dd | $solver 2>&1`, "bb U\n", 'permutations of 4, #3');
is( `echo 4 aa dd bb cc | $solver 2>&1`, "dd L\n", 'permutations of 4, #5');
is( `echo 4 bb aa cc dd | $solver 2>&1`, "aa F\n", 'permutations of 4, #7');
is( `echo 4 bb cc aa dd | $solver 2>&1`, "aa F\n", 'permutations of 4, #9');
is( `echo 4 bb cc dd aa | $solver 2>&1`, "aa F\n", 'permutations of 4, #10');
is( `echo 4 dd aa bb cc | $solver 2>&1`, "dd L\n", 'permutations of 4, #19');
is( `echo 4 dd cc bb aa | $solver 2>&1`, "aa R\n", 'permutations of 4, #24');
# sort paths of length 2
is( `echo 4 aa cc dd bb | $solver 2>&1`, "bb F D\n", 'permutations of 4, #4');
is( `echo 4 aa dd cc bb | $solver 2>&1`, "aa L R\n", 'permutations of 4, #6');
is( `echo 4 bb aa dd cc | $solver 2>&1`, "aa F cc U\n", 'permutations of 4, #8');
is( `echo 4 bb dd aa cc | $solver 2>&1`, "aa F cc U\n", 'permutations of 4, #11');
is( `echo 4 bb dd cc aa | $solver 2>&1`, "bb D D R\n", 'permutations of 4, #12');
is( `echo 4 cc aa bb dd | $solver 2>&1`, "cc D D\n", 'permutations of 4, #13');
is( `echo 4 cc aa dd bb | $solver 2>&1`, "bb F aa F\n", 'permutations of 4, #14');
is( `echo 4 cc bb aa dd | $solver 2>&1`, "dd F R\n", 'permutations of 4, #15');
is( `echo 4 cc bb dd aa | $solver 2>&1`, "dd F R\n", 'permutations of 4, #16');
is( `echo 4 cc dd aa bb | $solver 2>&1`, "bb F aa F\n", 'permutations of 4, #17');
is( `echo 4 cc dd bb aa | $solver 2>&1`, "cc D R\n", 'permutations of 4, #18');
is( `echo 4 dd aa cc bb | $solver 2>&1`, "aa L R\n", 'permutations of 4, #20');
is( `echo 4 dd bb aa cc | $solver 2>&1`, "cc F D R\n", 'permutations of 4, #21');
is( `echo 4 dd bb cc aa | $solver 2>&1`, "bb D R\n", 'permutations of 4, #22');
is( `echo 4 dd cc aa bb | $solver 2>&1`, "aa D R\n", 'permutations of 4, #23');
# variations on a theme with 4 items ["aaaaa", "bbbb", "ccc", "dd"]
# force choice by string length
is( `echo 4 ccc dd aaaaa bbbb | $solver 2>&1`, "ccc L dd L\n", 'permutations of 4, #17');
is( `echo 4 dd bbbb aaaaa ccc | $solver 2>&1`, "ccc F D R\n", 'permutations of 4, #21');
is( `echo 4 bbbb aaaaa dd ccc | $solver 2>&1`, "bbbb D dd D\n", 'permutations of 4, #8');
is( `echo 4 bbbb dd aaaaa ccc | $solver 2>&1`, "dd L bbbb D\n", 'permutations of 4, #11');
is( `echo 4 ccc aaaaa dd bbbb | $solver 2>&1`, "ccc L dd L\n", 'permutations of 4, #14');
is( `echo 4 ccc dd bbbb aaaaa | $solver 2>&1`, "dd F R\n", 'permutations of 4, #18');
is( `echo 4 dd aaaaa ccc bbbb | $solver 2>&1`, "aaaaa L R\n", 'permutations of 4, #20');
is( `echo 4 dd bbbb ccc aaaaa | $solver 2>&1`, "ccc R D\n", 'permutations of 4, #22');
is( `echo 4 dd ccc aaaaa bbbb | $solver 2>&1`, "bbbb R D\n", 'permutations of 4, #23');
# identical items in list
is( `echo 2 aa aa | $solver 2>&1`, "\n", '1 repeat #1');
is( `echo 3 aa aa bb | $solver 2>&1`, "\n", '1 repeat #2');
is( `echo 3 aa bb aa | $solver 2>&1`, "aa F\n", '1 repeat #3');
is( `echo 3 bb aa aa | $solver 2>&1`, "aa R\n", '1 repeat #4');
is( `echo 4 aa cc bb aa| $solver 2>&1`, "aa L R\n", '1 repeat #5');
is( `echo 5 cc bb aa bb cc | $solver 2>&1`, "aa F cc L\n", '2 repeats');
# "sad" path
# not explicitly excluded, so cover this case
# exhaustive variations on a theme with 0 items []
is( `echo 0 | $solver 2>&1`, "\n", 'permutations of 0, #1');
# "bad" path
# none!
exit 0;
which doesn't exist. \$\endgroup\$ddkP
, D=ddp
, F=ddggP
, L=ddGp
, R=:g/^/m0
. :P \$\endgroup\$