#Octave, 55 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked
Octave, 55 bytes, 10 numbers, cracked
is the unknown character.
%then changing the very last0
, this does recursively calculatex+1
. It is mainly composed of two anonymous functions. One provides anif
statement to anchor the recursion:
if_ = @( boolean, outcomes) outcomes{ 2 - boolean}();
This is just abusing the fact that a boolean values evaluates to0
. This function accepts a boolean value, and a cell array of two functions, and evaluates one or the other of these two functiosn depending on the boolean value. The second part is the actual recursion:
plus_one = @(n,f) if_(0<n ,{@()f(n-1)+1, @()1})
As an anyonmous function is anonymous, you cannot directly access it from itsefl. That why we need a second argumentf
first. Later we will provide a handle to the function instelf as a second argument, so a final function would looks like so:
plus_one_final = @(n)plus_one(n,plus_one);
So in this notation my submission becomes:
I asked about recursion anchors for anonymous functions in MATLAB a while ago on stackoverflow.