Jelly, 7 7 6 bytes
-1 thanks to caird coinheringaahing! (Use w
and filtering to avoiding @
Input: Start, End, ToFind
rAẇ@€⁵SrAwƇ⁵L - Main link: Start, End, ToFind
r - range: [Start, ..., End]
A - absolute values
⁵ - third input: ToFind
ẇ@€ Ƈ - sublistfilter existskeep inthose with(absolute reversedvalues, @rgumentsa) for €achwhich:
w S- first index of sublist (implicit digits of ToFind) in (implicit digits of a)
L - sumlength
The default casting of an integer to an iterable for the sublist existence check casts to a decimal list (not a character list), so negative numbers have a leading negative value (e.g. -122
which won't find a sublist of [1,2]
) so taking the absolute value first seems like the golfiest solution.