#PHP, 577 bytes
not tested; I currently have no system available with allow_url_fopen=On
and I didn´t take the time to copy&paste the page sources.
function g($s){return join(file("http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/$s"));}$m=preg_match_all;$m("#r-de.+/(\d+)/.+>(.+)<#U",$a=g($u="$u&filter=all"),$b);$h=$b[2];$m("#>(.+)</a.+\s1 i#",g("users?tab=NewUsers&sort=creationdate"),$c);while($a){foreach($b[1]as$i=>$n)if($m("#st \"><strong>(-?)\d+#",$e=g("search?tab=votes&q=user:$n+[code-golf]"),$d)&&$d[1][0])break 2;if($a=strstr($a,"l=\"n"))$m("#r-de.+/(\d+)/.+>(.+)<#U",$a=g("$u&page=".$p+=!$p++),$b);}$m("#<code>(.+)</code>#U",g("q/93545"),$t);echo join([1=>$h[0],3=>$h[1],5=>$c[1][0],7=>$b[2][$i];]+split("#&[lg]t;#",$t[1][2]));
// function to get page content from ppcg
function g($s){return join(file("http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/$s"));}
// A,B: highest scores: find user names
$h=$b[2]; // remember the names
// C: new users: find username after "1 in one day"
$m("#>(.+)</a.+\s1 i#",g("$u&tab=NewUsers&sort=creationdate"),$c);
// D: loop through users from first query
// find "vote-count-post" in code-golf votes for that user
if($m("#st \"><strong>(-?)\d+#",$e=g("search?tab=votes&q=user:$n+[code-golf]"),$d)
&&$d[1][0]) // test if highest vote is negative
break 2;
// none found yet?
if($a=strstr($a,"l=\"n")) // if there is a "next" link, get next page
$m("#<code>(.+)</code>#U",g("q/93545"),$t); // get code blocks from question page
echo join([ // 4. join and print
1=>$h[0], // first two results from first preg_match
5=>$c[1][0], // first result from second preg_match
7=>$b[2][$i]; // $i-th username from (latest) reputation list
]+ // 3. and replace indexes 1,3,5,7 with above array
split("#&[lg]t;#", // 2. split by "<" and ">"
$t[1][2] // 1. output template is the 3rd code block