PHP, 131131 115 bytes
Just a FGITW, maybe I can improve upon it more. Turns out, I can!
First version at 131 bytes:
<?$s=file($argv[1]);foreach($s as$l){$a=str_split(trim($l));echo join(' ',$a).'
';$i=0;while($c=ord($l{$i++}))echo$c.' ';echo'
The filename is supplied as the first argument after the script name: php aliens.php helloworld.c
Second version at 115 bytes:
function($s){foreach($s as$l){$a=str_split($l);echo join(' ',$a);$i=0;while($c=ord($a[$i++]))echo$c.' ';echo'
The first version accounts for missing newlines at the end of the line, but after the additional clarification, we can leave that code out and put everything in a function to save 16 bytes.
The whitespace characters in join(' ',$a)
as well as in echo$c.' '
are tab characters = \t
. The newlines in the code are on purpose.
The filename is supplied as the first argument after the script name: php aliens.php helloworld.c