Your task is to display the letter "A" alone, without anything else, except any form of trailing newlines if you cannot avoid them, doing so in a program and/or snippet.
You may do Code that using any typereturns (instead of program, whether itprinting) is a full program or a function, etcallowed.
Both the lowercase and uppercase versions of the letter "A" are acceptable (that is, unicode U+0061 or unicode U+0041. Other character encodings that aren't Unicode are allowed, or whatever codepointbut either way, the resulting output of your character encoding uses as long as it is forcode must be the Latin characterlatin letter "A", and not any lookalike/homoglyph versionslookalikes or homoglyphs)
However, youYou must not use any of the below characters in your code, regardless of the character encoding that you pick:
"A", whether uppercase or lowercase.
"U", whether lowercase or uppercase.
X, whether uppercase or lowercase.
Cheating, and loopholes, etc, are not allowed.
Your goalSince this is to docode-golf, the task givenshortest solution, in the fewest amount of bytes, that follows all the rules, is possiblethe winner.
This Stack Snippet checks to make sure your code doesn't use the restricted characters. It might not work properly for some character encodings.