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Commonmark migration
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#Factor, 257 262 bytes

Factor, 257 262 bytes

TUPLE: p title options dupcheck ;
[ command-line rest [ first ] [ rest ] bi "normal" p boa >json "" <post-request> "application/json" "Content-Type" set-header http-request nip json> id>> 10 base> "" prepend ]

Expects a name as the first command-line arg, then options after that.

Requires com-auto-use.


TUPLE: poll
  title options dupcheck ;

: post-json ( post-data url -- response data )
    "application/json" "Content-Type" set-header
  http-request ;

: strawpoll-main ( -- )
  command-line rest [ first ] [ rest ] bi "normal" poll boa
  >json "" post-json nip
  json> id>> 10 base> "" prepend print ;

#Factor, 257 262 bytes

TUPLE: p title options dupcheck ;
[ command-line rest [ first ] [ rest ] bi "normal" p boa >json "" <post-request> "application/json" "Content-Type" set-header http-request nip json> id>> 10 base> "" prepend ]

Expects a name as the first command-line arg, then options after that.

Requires com-auto-use.


TUPLE: poll
  title options dupcheck ;

: post-json ( post-data url -- response data )
    "application/json" "Content-Type" set-header
  http-request ;

: strawpoll-main ( -- )
  command-line rest [ first ] [ rest ] bi "normal" poll boa
  >json "" post-json nip
  json> id>> 10 base> "" prepend print ;

Factor, 257 262 bytes

TUPLE: p title options dupcheck ;
[ command-line rest [ first ] [ rest ] bi "normal" p boa >json "" <post-request> "application/json" "Content-Type" set-header http-request nip json> id>> 10 base> "" prepend ]

Expects a name as the first command-line arg, then options after that.

Requires com-auto-use.


TUPLE: poll
  title options dupcheck ;

: post-json ( post-data url -- response data )
    "application/json" "Content-Type" set-header
  http-request ;

: strawpoll-main ( -- )
  command-line rest [ first ] [ rest ] bi "normal" poll boa
  >json "" post-json nip
  json> id>> 10 base> "" prepend print ;
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  • 5.9k
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  • 26
  • 44

#Factor, 257 262 bytes

TUPLE: p title options dupcheck ;
[ command-line rest [ first ] [ rest ] bi "normal" p boa >json "" <post-request> "application/json" "Content-Type" set-header http-request nip json> id>> 10 base> "" prepend ]

Expects a name as the first command-line arg, then options after that.

Requires com-auto-use.


TUPLE: poll
  title options dupcheck ;

: post-json ( post-data url -- response data )
    "application/json" "Content-Type" set-header
  http-request ;

: strawpoll-main ( -- )
  command-line rest [ first ] [ rest ] bi "normal" poll boa
  >json "" post-json nip
  json> id>> 10 base> "" prepend print ;