1. Relaxed version (301 283 280 277277 275 bytes)
class C{static int i,j,x;publicx,b[]=new int[256];public static void main(String[]z){int[]b=new int[256];Runnable[]r=newRunnable[]r=new Runnable[26];r[20]=()->b[i]=-~x;r[9]=()->i++;r[6]=()->i--;r[13]=()->System.out.print(x);r[1]=()->j+=x;r[22]=()->j-=3*x;for(;;){x=b[i];r[z[j].charAt(3)-99].run();i*=~(i>>8)&1;j++;}}}
class C {
// Declared as static so they may be changed inside the lambdas without the compiler complaining about that.
// i is the bit index and j is the instruction pointer.
// x is just to avoid refering to b[i] in order to save 3 bytes.
static int i, j, x;
public static void main(String[] z) {
// Theb is our array. Uses ints instead of booleans to save bytes and use some clever math tricks.
static int i, j, int[]x, bb[] = new int[256];
public static void main(String[] z) {
// An array of lambdas. The index is the ascii code of 4th letter of the command name subtracted from 99.
// Thanks for CatsAreFluffy for telling about the 4th letter trick.
Runnable[] r = new Runnable[26];
r[20] = () -> b[i] = -~x; // chew
r[9] = () -> i++; // swallow
r[6] = () -> i--; // vomit
r[13] = () -> System.out.print(x); // complain
r[1] = () -> j += x; // feedtodog. It is 1 or 0 instead of 2 and 1 due to the j++ down there.
r[22] = () -> j -= 3 * x; // playwithfood. It is -3 or 0 instead of -2 and +1 due to the j++ down there.
// This is the interpreter itself. Runs forever (or until an exception is raised).
for (;;) {
x = b[i];
// Fetch an instruction and runs it. ThrowsMay throw an exception onor execute some arbitrary instruction if the instruction name is unknown or mistypedwas instructionsmistyped.
r[z[j].charAt(3) - 99].run();
// Resets the bit index if out of range.
i *= ~(i >> 8) & 1;
// Next instruction. No special treatment for branching needed because they already considers this.
2. Strict version (354 337 334 331331 329 bytes)
import java.util.*;class C{static int i,j,x;publicx,b[]=new int[256];public static void main(String[]z){int[]b=new int[256];ListList o=Arrays.asList("chew","swallow","vomit","complain","feedtodog","playwithfood");Runnable[]r={()->b[i]=-~x,()->i++,()->i--,()->System.out.print(x),()->j+=x,()->j-=3*x};for(;;){x=b[i];r[o.indexOf(z[j])].run();i*=~(i>>8)&1;j++;}}}
// Needed for java.util.List and java.util.Arrays.
import java.util.*;
class C {
// Declared as static so they may be changed inside the lambdas without the compiler complaining about that.
// i is the bit index and j is the instruction pointer.
// x is just to avoid refering to b[i] in order to save 3 bytes.
static int i, j, x;
public static void main(String[] z) {
// Theb is our array. Uses ints instead of booleans to save bytes and use some clever math tricks.
static int i, j, int[]x, bb[] = new int[256];
public static void main(String[] z) {
// Declared as a list so we can use the indexOf method further down. Screw up the generics.
List o = Arrays.asList("chew", "swallow", "vomit", "complain", "feedtodog", "playwithfood");
// An array of lambdas.
Runnable[] r = {
() -> b[i] = -~x, // chew
() -> i++, // swallow
() -> i--, // vomit
() -> System.out.print(x), // complain
() -> j += x, // feedtodog. It is 1 and 0 instead of 2 and 1 due to the j++ down there.
() -> j -= 3 * x // playwithfood. It is -3 and 0 instead of -2 and +1 due to the j++ down there.
// This is the interpreter itself. Runs forever (or until an exception is raised).
for (;;) {
x = b[i];
// Fetch an instruction and runs it. Throws an exception on unknown or mistyped instructions.
// Resets the bit index if out of range.
i *= ~(i >> 8) & 1;
// Next instruction. No special treatment for branching needed because the branching instructions already considers this.