#JavaScript (ES6) 333 331 329 223 characters
JavaScript (ES6) 333 331 329 223 characters
Many thanks to ETHproductions and Neil, 100+ characters thanks to both of you, and I haven't tried findIndex() yet :-)
s=>(d="0,;y\\>|Kb^6 |kn|xw|r?||8MD|hQ|EU|7|2||R|e||||F|||||||||G".split("|"),d[35]="",d[52]="3",d.map((a,j)=>{if(~a.indexOf(String.fromCharCode([...s].reduce((S,c)=>S*32+c.charCodeAt(),0)%153)))o=j}),o+3)
Expanded version
(With \0xx instead of characters)
s => (
d = "0,;y\\>|Kb^6\t|kn\x1D|\x05\x7F\x84x\bw|r\x12?|\x07\x98|8MD|\x93h\x8E\x11Q|\x8FEU\x1B|7|2|\v|R|\x92e||\x19||\x04F|||||||||\x94G".split("|"),
d[35] = "\x13",
d[52] = "3",
(a,j) => {
o = j
Calculate an hash of each state name and store them in an array where one dimension is the number of votes the state has.
Recalculate the hash and retrieve the information.
An hash of a state name is calculated with s.split('').reduce((S,c)=>S*32+c.charCodeAt(0),0)%153
It transform "Iowa" in (32^3*'I' + 32^2*'o' + 32*'w' + 'a')%153
(with ascii value for characters).
Why 32 and 153? Because after a few empiric tests those values minimize hashes without collision between states that have different number of votes.
I don't believe that it will be hard to do something shorter with a better approach but since I spent a few time on it ;).