Mine winsAt the time of writing mine and sniper were very close. Due to randomness sometimes, other times mine would get first place and others sniper winswould. I realize you wanted the results But it seems to be non-deterministic, but the results varied with each run. Increasing sample sizemore frequent for sniper to: 1000000 I got the following scores: win.
31435799 WeakestLink.Players.Sniper
31289158 WeakestLink.Players.AntiExtremist
27518025 WeakestLink.Players.TheCult
23051560 WeakestLink.Players.MedianPlayer
16091491 WeakestLink.Players.MaxPlayer
14525230 WeakestLink.Players.MinPlayer
13403930 WeakestLink.Players.RandomPlayer
13372563 WeakestLink.Players.MeanPlayer