Write a program or function that takes in a string only containing the characters ^
and v
(you can assume there will be no other characters). Read from left to right this string represents the sequence of mouse clicks a single user made while viewing a Stack Exchange question or answer for the first time.
Every ^
represents a click of the upvote button and every v
represents a click of the downvote button. (For working examples look slightly left.)
Assume that no voting limitations are in effect so all the clicks are registered correctly.
Print or return:
if the post ends up being upvoted.0
if the post ends up not being voted on. (-0
are not valid)-1
if the post ends up being downvoted.
Posts start with zero net votes from the user and the buttons change the net votes as follows:
Net Votes Before Button Pressed Net Votes After
1 ^ 0
1 v -1
0 ^ 1
0 v -1
-1 ^ 1
-1 v 0
The shortest code in bytes wins.
Test cases:
[empty string] -> 0
^^ -> 0
^v -> -1
^ -> 1
v -> -1
v^ -> 1
vv -> 0
^^^ -> 1
vvv -> -1
^^^^ -> 0
vvvv -> 0
^^^^^ -> 1
vvvvv -> -1
^^^^^^ -> 0
vvvvvv -> 0
^^v -> -1
^v^ -> 1
^vv -> 0
vv^ -> 1
v^v -> -1
v^^ -> 0
^vvv^^vv^vv^v^ -> 1
^vvv^^vv^vv^v^^ -> 0
^vvv^^vv^vv^v^^^ -> 1
^vvv^^vv^vv^v^^v -> -1
^vvv^^vv^vv^v^^vv -> 0
^vvv^^vv^vv^v^^vvv -> -1
^vvvvvvvvvvvv -> 0
^^vvvvvvvvvvvv -> 0
^^^vvvvvvvvvvvv -> 0
vvv^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> 0
vv^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> 0
v^^^^^^^^^^^^ -> 0