#Ruby, 78#
Ruby, 78
"@EHIKKIHE@".each_byte{|i|puts"+|"[i/65]+?X*(i-64)+" -"[i%3]*(98-i)+"|+"[i%3]}
A copy of Rinkattendant's / Xnor's idea of iterating over the lengths of the strings of X's. Except instead of using an array, I have compressed them into a string.
#Ruby, 96#
Ruby, 96
Original plain vanilla approach
(0..9).each{|i|puts (i%9<1??+:?|)+(?X*("@EHIKKIHE@"[i].ord-64)).ljust(34,"- "[i%3])+"+||"[i%3]}
puts (i%9<1??+:?|) #first character + or |
+(?X*("@EHIKKIHE@"[i].ord-64)).ljust(34,"- "[i%3]) #print quantity of X's according to string, then right justify with - or space
+"+||"[i%3]} #last character + or |