We start by examining the lengthnumber of digits n in the input and pushing a square of spaces big enough to cover the output. In the implementation, this square will be encoded as a two-dimensional array of one-character strings.
A square of length 2n+1 would be just right for a straightforward implementation, but we'll use one of length 5n to save a couple of bytes. Thankfully, surrounding whitespace is allowed.
Code (yet to come)
r_, e# Read a token from STDIN and push the length of a copy.
5*_ e# Multiply the length by 5 and push a copy.
Sa* e# Repeat the array [" "] that many times.
a* e# Repeat the array [[" " ... " "]] that many times.
\{ e# For each character C in the input:
~ e# Push eval(C), i.e., the digit the character represents.
e# Push the encodings of all 10 seven slash representations.
= e# Select the proper one.
i2b e# Push the resulting characters code point in base 2, i.e., its bits.
S e# Push " ".
"\/"4* e# Push "\/\/\/\/".
+W< e# Concatenate and eliminate the last character.
.* e# Vectorized repetition.
e# For the digit 5, e.g., we have [1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0] and " \/\/\/\" on
e# the stack, so .* yields [" " "" "/" "\" "/" "\" "/" ""].
3/ e# Divide the representation into chunks of length 3, i.e., its lines.
..e> e# Compute the twofold vectorized maximum, as explained above.
2fm> e# Rotate each line to characters to the right.
2m> e# Rotate the lines two units down.
Wf% e# Reverse each line.
N* e# Place linefeeds between them.
The last rotations would mess up the output if the square's side length was smaller than 2n+3. Since 5n ≥ 2n+3 for all positive integers n, the square is big enough to prevent this.