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With a twist; your algorithm has to be less complex than O(X2) where X is the Nth prime. Your solution post should include the character count and the theoretical complexity in terms of X (or N, which ~= X/ln(X) and so will usually be more efficient)

Here's a hint solution in C# (XlnXO(Xln(sqrt(X))), 137 chars):

public List<int> P(int n)
   var r = new List<int>{2}; int i=3;
      if(!r.TakeWhile(x=>x<Math.Sqrt(i)).Any(x=>i%x==0)) r.Add(i++); else i++;

public List<int> P(int n){var r = new List<int>{2}; int i=3; while(r.Count<n) if(!r.TakeWhile(x=>x<Math.Sqrt(i)).Any(x=>i%x==0)) r.Add(i++); else i++; }

With a twist; your algorithm has to be less complex than O(X2) where X is the Nth prime.

Here's a hint solution in C# (XlnX, 137 chars):

public List<int> P(int n)
   var r = new List<int>{2}; int i=3;
      if(!r.TakeWhile(x=>x<Math.Sqrt(i)).Any(x=>i%x==0)) r.Add(i++); else i++;

With a twist; your algorithm has to be less complex than O(X2) where X is the Nth prime. Your solution post should include the character count and the theoretical complexity in terms of X (or N, which ~= X/ln(X) and so will usually be more efficient)

Here's a hint solution in C# (O(Xln(sqrt(X))), 137 chars):

public List<int> P(int n){var r = new List<int>{2}; int i=3; while(r.Count<n) if(!r.TakeWhile(x=>x<Math.Sqrt(i)).Any(x=>i%x==0)) r.Add(i++); else i++; }

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Return the first N primes

With a twist; your algorithm has to be less complex than O(X2) where X is the Nth prime.

Here's a hint solution in C# (XlnX, 137 chars):

public List<int> P(int n)
   var r = new List<int>{2}; int i=3;
      if(!r.TakeWhile(x=>x<Math.Sqrt(i)).Any(x=>i%x==0)) r.Add(i++); else i++;