CJam, 107 bytes
lS/)~\S*\",./ ;' <>? :\" _+~!@#$%^&*() -=`"A,s(++S/"zxcvbnm
Try it online in the [CJam interpreter][1]. [1]: http
How it works
lS/) e# Read one line from STDIN, split at spaces and pop the last chunk.
~\S*\ e# Evaluate the popped chunk and join the remaining ones back together.
",./ ;' <>? :\" _+~!@#$%^&*() -=`"
e# Push that string.
A,s(++ e# Concatenate it with "1234567890".
S/ e# Split at spaces.
"zxcvbnm asdfghjkl []\qwertyuiop"
e# Push that string.
S/ e# Split at spaces. (`N/' would split at linefeeds.)
_32ff^ e# XOR each character of a copy with 32.
+ e# Concatenate the copies.
.+ e# Perform vectorized concatenation. This pushes the following array:
[ ",./zxcvbnm" ";'asdfghjkl" "[]\qwertyuiop" "<>?ZXCVBNM"
":\"ASDFGHJKL" "{}|QWERTYUIOP" "_+~!@#$%^&*()" "-=`1234567890" ]
_@fm> e# Rotate each chunk by the number of character specified in the input.
s\s e# Flatten this array and the original.
er e# Perform transliteration.
[1]://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=lS%2F http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=lS%2F)~%5CS*%5C%22%2C.%2F%20%3B'%20%20%3C%3E%3F%20%3A%5C%22%20%20_%2B~!%40%23%24%25%5E%26*()%20-%3D%60%22A%2Cs(%2B%2BS%2F%22zxcvbnm%0Aasdfghjkl%0A%5B%5D%5Cqwertyuiop%22N%2F_32ff%5E%2B.%2B_%40fm%3Es%5Cser&input=I%20Wi5h%20I%20h4d%20b3773r%20C%40d3ing%20ski%7B%7Bs%203