Some features that modern programmers may find different, is that empty statements are not permitted. You cannot just add ;
everywhere. You have to use the SKIP
statement if you want to explicitly have nothing. It also was designedpermitted the coding of concurrent programs very easily. Algol 68 also, notably, used backwards keywords as terminators, such as esac, od, fi etc.
The language had a representation used for havingwriting the code that used many fonts in the input, so representing keywords could be in in bold, and identifiers in italic, for example. At the time, but to my knowledgeand probably still, no compiler implemented this feature of the design. It alsoThe language permitted the codingseveral different concrete representations of concurrent programs very easilyusing stropping modes. This allowed programs to be prepared using limited character sets, such as might be found in computers in the 1960s. Consider the a short program fragment, which would be represented as:
if i < 0 then skip fi
This could be prepared for a compiler in prime stropping mode as:
'IF' I 'LT' 0 'THEN' 'SKIP' 'FI'
In dot stropping mode this would be:
In case stropping mode this would be:
print (("Algol 68 was made in 1968!", newline))
In case stropping mode:
int n;
read ((n));
for i from 1 to n do
for j from 1 to n do
¢ here we use an abbreviated IF clause ¢
print (( ( j = 1 OR j = i OR j = n |
" "
) ))
od ;
print ((newline))
In case stropping mode:
#Task 3#
¢ we can define our own operators in Algol 68 ¢
op % = ( int a, b) int:
((b = 0 |
b % (a mod b)
int i,j;
print(( i % j , newline))
In case stropping mode: