Python 2, score = 2
print ''' &''(()),..===>>?''HHIMMMMPPaaaaabccdddeeeeeeeeeegggimmmmnnnnnoooooprrrrsstwyy''' and 'questions tags users \
badges unanswered ask question'.title() or ' $.?IIWaaabbccccccceeefghhhhhhiijjkklllllmmnnnoooprrrstttttttuxyyz'
I couldn't quite get it in one line, so here's a fairly straightforward solution in two.
I found the questions on Stack Overflow by regexing through the 50,000 longest titles:
- How do I get PHP to ignore unescaped ampersands in query string (e.g. ?name=M&M's doesn't become array('name' => 'M', 'M's' => ''))How do I get PHP to ignore unescaped ampersands in query string (e.g. ?name=M&M's doesn't become array('name' => 'M', 'M's' => ''))
- I'm using jquery backstretch and horizontal scrolling. Why does it jump back to the left when I call $.backstretch('next')?I'm using jquery backstretch and horizontal scrolling. Why does it jump back to the left when I call $.backstretch('next')?
Here's my best attempt at a one-liner for anyone who's going for it (feel free to use it):
print "questions tags users badges unanswered ask question".title() or AHHRUaacccceeeeeeeeeffghikkllmnnnooooooorrrrrrrtwwwy
How to guarantee uniqueness of a referrer who clicks on a link in a remote webpage("Request.UserHostAddress" not working correctly)?How to guarantee uniqueness of a referrer who clicks on a link in a remote webpage("Request.UserHostAddress" not working correctly)?