Length 3
This is simple character code converter. Surprisingly, it is shorter than same C or Python program.
Side note: '밯망희' is pronounced similar to the word '방망이', which means 'bat'.
Initial Medial Final Explanation
ㅂ Push to current stack (defaults to (none) stack)
ㅎ from input as character (it will be saved as integer)
ㅏ Move cursor by one character right
ㅁ Pop from current stack
ㅇ to output as integer (it will be saved as integer)
ㅏ Move cursor by one character right
ㅎ Terminates program
ㅢ (not executed)
Length 4
One sad point about Aheui is there is no shorter expression for the integer 1. So we need two numbers and calculate with them.
Since this program has no termination command, it will print 1 infinitely.
Initial Medial Final Explanation
ㅂ Push to current stack (defaults to (none) stack)
ㄱ the integer 2
ㅏ Move cursor by one character right
ㅃ Duplicate top number of current stack
ㅏ Move cursor by one character right
ㄴ Pop two numbers from current stack
divide second number to first number
push result to current stack
ㅏ Move cursor by one character right
ㅁ Pop from current stack
ㅇ to output as integer (it will be saved as integer)
ㅏ Move cursor by one character right
(If cursor reaches the end of code space, it wraps)
(So in this case, cursor will go to 박 again)