Pretty straightforward approach. How it works:
". Q .... jW(" "Push this string to stack. This is a compressed string"
"which results to a 26 by 26 grid of 0 and 1 representing"
"whether that block contains country code or empty space";
31f-96b2b "Remove 31 from ASCII code of each of the character,"
"treat the number array as of base 96 and convert it to"
"a base 2 number";
'[, "Create an array of characters of ASCII code 0 to 91";
65> "Take last 26 characters, which are A to Z";
_m* "Copy the array and create all combinations {XX|X ∈ [A,Z]}";
]z "zip the first 26*26 array of 1 and 0 with the above"
"26*26 array of XX such that the final array element"
"is like ([B XX]|B={0,1},X∈[A,Z])";
{~SS+?S}% "For element, unwrap it from array, put " " to stack,"
"if first number is 1, take XX otherwise, the spaces"
"and put a single space after each element";
52/ "split the array into chunks of 52,i.e 26 XX and 26 spaces";
N* "Join each chunk of 52 elements with new line"