CJam, 80 77 65 5757 54 Characters
Explanation soon ...How it works:
Basic idea is that for each countdown number C, check if the first H digits are equal to the last H digits of the resultant string, where H goes from number of digits in C to 0
Mr "Put an empty string and input on stack";
{ ... }h; "Run while top element of stack is true, pop when done";
s:C "Store string value of top stack element in C"
_, "Put the number of characters in C to stack";
{ ... }g "Run while top element of stack is true";
:H< "Store the digit iteration in H and slice C";
M "M is the final output string in making";
_,H- "Take length of M and reduce H from it";
> "Take that many digits of M from end and..."
=!_ "Compare with first H digits of C, negate and copy";
CH@ "Put C and H on stack and bring the above result to top of stack";
- "Reduce H if the matched result was false";
@ "Bring the matched result on top in order continue or break the loop"
:T "Store top stack element in T after the loop";
>+:M "Take everything but first T digits of C and add it to M and update M";
CT<_ "Take first T digits of C and copy them";
O@ "Put saved digits on stack, and rotate top three elements";
- "Remove all occurence of first T digits of C from O";
+:O "Add first T digits of C to O and update O";
,A< "Compare number of saved digits with 10";
Ci( "Decrement integer value of C and put it on stack";
* "If number of saved digits greater than 9, break loop";