#MATLAB: 735 bytes - 150 bonus = 585
My program handles the n=2 case and draws a real-time animation.
There are a few differences between the golfed and ungolfed versions:
The ungolfed version has an option to save the animation to a file 'g.gif', by setting savegif = 1
in the code. It is off by default as it can be annoying for a few reasons:
- Creation of an unwanted file
- Possible lag
- An error is generated if you have multiple monitors and the plot window is not on the right one...
The gif saving had to be dropped in the golfed version as it took about 100 bytes, exceeding the size of the bonus.
The ungolfed version draws a circle on the tracer vertex. It also produces more frames and moves faster (though this can be adjusted in the golfed version by changing the numbers).
after program termination
with gif output
##Ungolfed code
%epicyclogon animation outputs to 'g.gif' if savegif=1 as well as animating in real time
function[] = epic(r,r1,r2,n1,n2,dispPoly)
savegif = 0; %set to 1 to write .gif
cs = @(a) [cos(a);sin(a)];
vert = @(r, n, v) r * cs(2*pi*v/n);
polyPt = @(l, s, n, r) vert(r, n, floor(l/s)) + mod(l/s,1)*(vert(r, n, floor(l/s)+1) - vert(r, n, floor(l/s)));
polyPt2 = @(i, f, n, r) vert(r, n, i) + f*(vert(r, n, i+1) - vert(r, n, i));
rotm = @(a) [cos(a) -sin(a);sin(a) cos(a)];
arrpluspt = @(a, p) a + kron(p, ones(1,length(a)));
arg = @(p) atan2(p(2), p(1));
E = 1e-9;
dispPoly = dispPoly / dispPoly;
sgn = sign(-r);
r = abs(r);
s1 = 2*r1*sin(pi/n1);
s2 = 2*r2*sin(pi/n2);
%d1 = (r1*r1 - s1*s1*.25)^.5;
d2 = (r2*r2 - s2*s2*.25)^.5;
plotmax = r1+2*r2;
astep = .05; %determines amount of frames per rotation
delay = .01; % time per frame
l = 0;
lRem = 0;
lr = 0;
P1 = vert(r1, n1, 1:n1+1) * dispPoly;
trace = [];
first = 1;
while 1
if lr %exists while rotating about a corner of the stationary
rotA = 2*pi/n1;
rotA = 2*pi/n2;
rotPt = polyPt(l, s1, n1, r1);
lb = l + lRem;
side1 = floor(l / s1 - E);
side1up = side1 + lr;
p2cen = polyPt2(side1, lb/s1 -side1 - .5 * s2/s1, n1, r1) + d2 * cs(2*pi*(side1+.5)/n1);
if first
p2cen0 = p2cen;
r = r + arg(p2cen0)/(2*pi);
for a = 0:astep:rotA
P2 = vert(r2, n2, 0:n2);
P2 = rotm( pi +pi/n1 -pi/n2 +2*pi*side1/n1) * P2;
P2 = arrpluspt(P2, p2cen);
P2 = arrpluspt(P2, -rotPt);
P2 = rotm(a) * P2;
P2 = arrpluspt(P2, rotPt);
trV = mod(floor(l/s2 + E) + lr, n2) + 1;
cen = rotm(a) * (p2cen - rotPt) + rotPt;
trace = [trace,P2(:,trV)];
plot(P1(1,:), sgn*P1(2,:), P2(1,:)*dispPoly, sgn*P2(2,:)*dispPoly, trace(1,:),sgn*trace(2,:),P2(1,trV), sgn*P2(2,trV),'o');
%plot(P1(1,:), P1(2,:), P2(1,:), P2(2,:), trace(1,:),trace(2,:),...
%[0,p2cen0(1)],[0,p2cen0(2)],[0,cen(1)],[0,cen(2)], P2(1,trV), P2(2,trV),'o');
axis square
if savegif
frame = getframe(1); % plot window must be on same monitor!
img = frame2im(frame);
[img1,img2] = rgb2ind(img,256);
if first
if savegif
imwrite(img1,img2,'g','gif','DelayTime',2*delay); %control animation speed(but not really)
first = 0;
if savegif
imwrite(img1,img2,'g','gif','WriteMode','append','DelayTime', 2*delay);
adf = mod(arg(cen) - r*2*pi, 2*pi);
if adf < astep & l/(n1*s1) + .5 > r
%cleanup for next iteration
jump = lRem + ~lr * s2;
lnex = l + jump;
if floor(lnex / s1 - E) > side1up
lnex = s1*(side1up+1);
lRem = jump - (lnex - l);
lr = 1;
lRem = 0;
lr = 0;
l = lnex;
##Golfed code
P=pi;T=2*P;F=@floor;C=@(a)[cos(a);sin(a)];g=@(i,f,n,r)r*C(T*i/n)*(1-f)+f*r*C(T*(i+1)/n);R=@(a)[C(a),C(a+P/2)];W=@(a,p)[a(1,:)+p(1);a(2,:)+p(2)];b=@(p)atan2(p(2),p(1));E=1e-9;d=d/d;S=1-2*(r>0);r=-r*S;x=2*h*sin(P/n);X=2*H*sin(P/N);M=h+2*H;l=0;z=0;L=0;A=h*C(T*(0:n)/n)*d;t=[];while 1
v=l/x;D=F(v-E);q=g(D,v-D,n,h);Z=D+L;c=g(D,v+z/x-D-.5*X/x,n,h)+H*cos(P/N)*C(T*D/n+P/n);r=r+~(l+L)*b(c)/T;for a=0:.1:T/(L*n+~L*N)
Save the function to a file with the same name, i.e. epic.m
or f.m
Run it by calling the function from the Matlab console.
Usage: epic(r, r1, r2, n1, n2, dispPoly)
where dispPoly
is a Boolean variable (zero if false, a nonzero number if true) determining whether to draw the polygons.