##POSIX sh
+ GNU find
+ GNU mv
67 ASCII bytes + one (literal) space
+ GNU find
+ GNU mv
67 ASCII bytes + one (literal) space
find -d -exec sh -cf 'IFS=\ ;IFS=_ set $0;mv --b=t "$0" "$*"' {} \;
I don't know if it fits, but with this any sequence of spaces is elided to a single _
- I like it anyway. Actually any sequence but leading/trailing spaces that is - those are automatically truncated (which is also, I think, a beneficial behavior). Thanks to Gilles for pointing this out.
This just uses the internal field separator to separate fields.
It's fairly... chatty...
...oh man. I knew the tab thing was cheap, but I thought it was at least clever. Now I'm just late to the party...