Since I'm very new to Java and relatively new to programming in general, I took Angelo Neuschitzer's Backpacker class as a template. I didn't bother to change the way he responded to the first round (though I default to good in stead of evil) and the way he stores the history in an array of strings. I also reused his didGoodWin function, though I rewrote that to not require the amount of players as an argument. Other than that, the code and logic is all mine. Thanks Angelo, hope you don't mind.
package Humans;
public class GeorgeSantayana extends Human {
private String[] roundVotes;
public final String takeSides(String history) {
if (history == null || history.equals("")) //these last 4 lines copied from BackPacker( by Angelo NeuSchitzer.
return "good";
roundVotes = history.split(","); //this line copied from BackPacker( by Angelo NeuSchitzer.
int bestScore = -1;
boolean pickGood = true;
for (int round = 0; round < roundVotes.length - 1; round++) {
int currentScore = calculateSimilarity(round, roundVotes.length - 1);
if (currentScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = currentScore;
pickGood = didGoodWin(roundVotes[round + 1]);
if (pickGood)
return "good";
return "evil";
private int getSameVotes(int round1, int round2){
int votes = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < roundVotes[round1].length() && i < roundVotes[round1].length(); i++){
if (roundVotes[round1].charAt(i) == roundVotes[round2].charAt(i)) {
return votes;
private int calculateSimilarity(int round1, int round2){
if (round1 < 0 ¦¦ round2 < 0) {
return 0;
int players = roundVotes[0].length();
int score = 0;
if (didGoodWin(roundVotes[round1]) == didGoodWin(roundVotes[round2])) {
score += players + getSameVotes(round1, round2);
score += calculateSimilarity(round1 - 1, round2 - 1);
return score;
private boolean didGoodWin(String round) { //this function in part copied from BackPacker( by Angelo NeuSchitzer.
int good = 0;
for (char next : round.toCharArray())
good += next == '1' ? 1 : 0;
return (good * 2) > round.length();