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made it faster!
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Kyle Kanos
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EDIT Apparently I was timing IO which (a) made the timing longer than necessary and (b) is contrary to bullet #6. I've updated the code to reflect this. I've also discovered that using a kind=8 integer with the intrinsic subroutine system_clock gives microsecond accuracy.

With this updated code, I am now computing each set of values of the trigonometric functions in about 0.3 microseconds (the significant digits in the end vary run-to-run, but it's consistently hovering near 0.31 us), a significant reduction from the previous iteration that timed IO.

program SinCosTan
   !use iso_fortran_env, only: real64
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: real64 = selected_real_kind(15,307)
   real(real64), parameter :: PI  = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842
   real(real64), parameter :: TAU = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057684
   real(real64), parameter :: half = 0.500000000000000000000_real64
   real(real64), allocatable :: trigs(3:,:), angles(:)
   real(real64) :: time(2), times, angb
   character(len=12) :: tout
   integer :: i,j,ierr,amax
   integer(kind=8) :: cnt(2)
! compute trig functions & time it
  check timesto =see 0.0_real64
how many angles callthere cpu_time(time(1))are
      read(12,*,iostat=ierr) angb
      if(ierr/=0) exit
   enddo !- 
   print '(a,i0,a)',"There are ",i," angles"
   amax = i

! allocate array

! rewind the file then read the angles into the array
   do i=1,amax
      read(12,*) angles(i)
   enddo !- i

! compute trig functions & time it
   times = 0.0_real64
   call findemsystem_clock(angcnt(1)) ! <-- system_clock with an 8-bit INT can time to us
   do i=1,amax
      call CORDIC(angles(i), trigs(:,i), 40)
   enddo !- i
   call system_clock(cnt(2))
   times = times + (cnt(2) - cnt(1))
! write the angles to the file
   do i=1,amax
      do j=1,3
         if(trigs(j,i) > 1d100) then
            write(tout,'(a1)') 'n'
         elseif(abs(trigs(j,i)) > 1.0) then
            write(tout,'(f10.6)') trigs(j,i)
         elseif(abs(trigs(j,i)) < 0.1) then
            write(tout,'(f10.8)') trigs(j,i)
            write(tout,'(f9.7)') trigs(j,i)
         write(10,'(a)',advance='no') tout
      enddo !- ij
      write(10,*)" "
   enddo !- j
   call cpu_time(time(2))
   times = times + time(2) - time(1)i
   print *,"computation took",times/real(i,real64)*1e6,"us""us per angle"
   close(10); close(12)
   !> @brief compute sine/cosine/tangent
   subroutine findemCORDIC(a,t,n)
     real(real64), intent(in) :: a
     real(real64), intent(inout) :: t(3)
     integer, intent(in) :: n
! local variables
     real(real64), parameter :: deg2rad = 1.745329252e-2
     real(real64), parameter :: angles(60) = &
       [ 7.8539816339744830962e-01_real64, 4.6364760900080611621e-01_real64, &
         2.4497866312686415417e-01_real64, 1.2435499454676143503e-01_real64, &
         6.2418809995957348474e-02_real64, 3.1239833430268276254e-02_real64, &
         1.5623728620476830803e-02_real64, 7.8123410601011112965e-03_real64, &
         3.9062301319669718276e-03_real64, 1.9531225164788186851e-03_real64, &
         9.7656218955931943040e-04_real64, 4.8828121119489827547e-04_real64, &
         2.4414062014936176402e-04_real64, 1.2207031189367020424e-04_real64, &
         6.1035156174208775022e-05_real64, 3.0517578115526096862e-05_real64, &
         1.5258789061315762107e-05_real64, 7.6293945311019702634e-06_real64, &
         3.8146972656064962829e-06_real64, 1.9073486328101870354e-06_real64, &
         9.5367431640596087942e-07_real64, 4.7683715820308885993e-07_real64, &
         2.3841857910155798249e-07_real64, 1.1920928955078068531e-07_real64, &
         5.9604644775390554414e-08_real64, 2.9802322387695303677e-08_real64, &
         1.4901161193847655147e-08_real64, 7.4505805969238279871e-09_real64, &
         3.7252902984619140453e-09_real64, 1.8626451492309570291e-09_real64, &
         9.3132257461547851536e-10_real64, 4.6566128730773925778e-10_real64, &
         2.3283064365386962890e-10_real64, 1.1641532182693481445e-10_real64, &
         5.8207660913467407226e-11_real64, 2.9103830456733703613e-11_real64, &
         1.4551915228366851807e-11_real64, 7.2759576141834259033e-12_real64, &
         3.6379788070917129517e-12_real64, 1.8189894035458564758e-12_real64, &
         9.0949470177292823792e-13_real64, 4.5474735088646411896e-13_real64, &
         2.2737367544323205948e-13_real64, 1.1368683772161602974e-13_real64, &
         5.6843418860808014870e-14_real64, 2.8421709430404007435e-14_real64, &
         1.4210854715202003717e-14_real64, 7.1054273576010018587e-15_real64, &
         3.5527136788005009294e-15_real64, 1.7763568394002504647e-15_real64, &
         8.8817841970012523234e-16_real64, 4.4408920985006261617e-16_real64, &
         2.2204460492503130808e-16_real64, 1.1102230246251565404e-16_real64, &
         5.5511151231257827021e-17_real64, 2.7755575615628913511e-17_real64, &
         1.3877787807814456755e-17_real64, 6.9388939039072283776e-18_real64, &
         3.4694469519536141888e-18_real64, 1.7347234759768070944e-18_real64]
     real(real64), parameter :: kvalues(33) = &
       [ 0.70710678118654752440e+00_real64, 0.63245553203367586640e+00_real64, &
         0.61357199107789634961e+00_real64, 0.60883391251775242102e+00_real64, &
         0.60764825625616820093e+00_real64, 0.60735177014129595905e+00_real64, &
         0.60727764409352599905e+00_real64, 0.60725911229889273006e+00_real64, &
         0.60725447933256232972e+00_real64, 0.60725332108987516334e+00_real64, &
         0.60725303152913433540e+00_real64, 0.60725295913894481363e+00_real64, &
         0.60725294104139716351e+00_real64, 0.60725293651701023413e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293538591350073e+00_real64, 0.60725293510313931731e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293503244577146e+00_real64, 0.60725293501477238499e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293501035403837e+00_real64, 0.60725293500924945172e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500897330506e+00_real64, 0.60725293500890426839e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888700922e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888269443e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888161574e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888134606e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888127864e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888126179e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125757e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888125652e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125626e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888125619e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125617e+00_real64 ]
    real(real64) :: beta, c, c2, factor, poweroftwo, s, 
    real(real64) :: s2, sigma, sign_factor, theta, angle
    integer :: j
! scale to radians
    beta = a*deg2rad
! ensure angle is shifted to appropriate range
    call angleShift(beta, -PI, theta)
! check for signs
    if( theta < -half*PI) then
       theta = theta + PI
       sign_factor = -1.0_real64
    else if( half*PI < theta) then
       theta = theta - PI
       sign_factor = -1.0_real64
       sign_factor = +1.0_real64

! set up some initializations...    
    c = 1.0_real64
    s = 0.0_real64
    poweroftwo = 1.0_real64
    angle = angles(1)
! run for 30 iterations (should be good enough, need testing)
    do j=1,n
       sigma = merge(-1.0_real64, +1.0_real64, theta <  0.0_real64)
       factor = sigma*poweroftwo
       c2 = c - factor*s
       s2 = factor*c + s
       c = c2
       s = s2
! update remaining angle
       theta = theta - sigma*angle
       poweroftwo = poweroftwo*0.5_real64
       if(j+1 > 60) then
          angle = angle * 0.5_real64
          angle = angles(j+1)
    enddo !- j
    if(n > 0) then
       c = c*Kvalues(min(n,33))
       s = s*Kvalues(min(n,33))
    c = c*sign_factor
    s = s*sign_factor
    t = [s, c, s/c]
   end subroutine findemCORDIC
   subroutine angleShift(alpha, beta, gamma)
     real(real64), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
     real(real64), intent(out) :: gamma
     if(alpha < beta) then
        gamma = beta - mod(beta - alpha, TAU) + TAU
        gamma = beta + mod(alpha - beta, TAU) 
   end subroutine angleShift
end program SinCosTan
program SinCosTan
   !use iso_fortran_env, only: real64
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: real64 = selected_real_kind(15,307)
   real(real64), parameter :: PI  = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842
   real(real64), parameter :: TAU = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057684
   real(real64), parameter :: half = 0.500000000000000000000_real64
   real(real64) :: trigs(3), time(2), times, ang
   character(len=12) :: tout
   integer :: i,j,ierr
! compute trig functions & time it
   times = 0.0_real64
   call cpu_time(time(1))
      read(12,*,iostat=ierr) ang
      if(ierr/=0) exit
      call findem(ang,trigs(i),40)
      do j=1,3
         if(trigs(j) > 1d100) then
            write(tout,'(a1)') 'n'
         elseif(abs(trigs(j)) > 1.0) then
            write(tout,'(f10.6)') trigs(j)
         elseif(abs(trigs(j)) < 0.1) then
            write(tout,'(f10.8)') trigs(j)
            write(tout,'(f9.7)') trigs(j)
         write(10,'(a)',advance='no') tout
      enddo !- i
      write(10,*)" "
   enddo !- j
   call cpu_time(time(2))
   times = times + time(2) - time(1)
   print *,"computation took",times/real(i,real64)*1e6,"us"
   close(10); close(12)
   !> @brief compute sine/cosine/tangent
   subroutine findem(a,t,n)
     real(real64), intent(in) :: a
     real(real64), intent(inout) :: t(3)
     integer, intent(in) :: n
! local variables
     real(real64), parameter :: deg2rad = 1.745329252e-2
     real(real64), parameter :: angles(60) = &
       [ 7.8539816339744830962e-01_real64, 4.6364760900080611621e-01_real64, &
         2.4497866312686415417e-01_real64, 1.2435499454676143503e-01_real64, &
         6.2418809995957348474e-02_real64, 3.1239833430268276254e-02_real64, &
         1.5623728620476830803e-02_real64, 7.8123410601011112965e-03_real64, &
         3.9062301319669718276e-03_real64, 1.9531225164788186851e-03_real64, &
         9.7656218955931943040e-04_real64, 4.8828121119489827547e-04_real64, &
         2.4414062014936176402e-04_real64, 1.2207031189367020424e-04_real64, &
         6.1035156174208775022e-05_real64, 3.0517578115526096862e-05_real64, &
         1.5258789061315762107e-05_real64, 7.6293945311019702634e-06_real64, &
         3.8146972656064962829e-06_real64, 1.9073486328101870354e-06_real64, &
         9.5367431640596087942e-07_real64, 4.7683715820308885993e-07_real64, &
         2.3841857910155798249e-07_real64, 1.1920928955078068531e-07_real64, &
         5.9604644775390554414e-08_real64, 2.9802322387695303677e-08_real64, &
         1.4901161193847655147e-08_real64, 7.4505805969238279871e-09_real64, &
         3.7252902984619140453e-09_real64, 1.8626451492309570291e-09_real64, &
         9.3132257461547851536e-10_real64, 4.6566128730773925778e-10_real64, &
         2.3283064365386962890e-10_real64, 1.1641532182693481445e-10_real64, &
         5.8207660913467407226e-11_real64, 2.9103830456733703613e-11_real64, &
         1.4551915228366851807e-11_real64, 7.2759576141834259033e-12_real64, &
         3.6379788070917129517e-12_real64, 1.8189894035458564758e-12_real64, &
         9.0949470177292823792e-13_real64, 4.5474735088646411896e-13_real64, &
         2.2737367544323205948e-13_real64, 1.1368683772161602974e-13_real64, &
         5.6843418860808014870e-14_real64, 2.8421709430404007435e-14_real64, &
         1.4210854715202003717e-14_real64, 7.1054273576010018587e-15_real64, &
         3.5527136788005009294e-15_real64, 1.7763568394002504647e-15_real64, &
         8.8817841970012523234e-16_real64, 4.4408920985006261617e-16_real64, &
         2.2204460492503130808e-16_real64, 1.1102230246251565404e-16_real64, &
         5.5511151231257827021e-17_real64, 2.7755575615628913511e-17_real64, &
         1.3877787807814456755e-17_real64, 6.9388939039072283776e-18_real64, &
         3.4694469519536141888e-18_real64, 1.7347234759768070944e-18_real64]
     real(real64), parameter :: kvalues(33) = &
       [ 0.70710678118654752440e+00_real64, 0.63245553203367586640e+00_real64, &
         0.61357199107789634961e+00_real64, 0.60883391251775242102e+00_real64, &
         0.60764825625616820093e+00_real64, 0.60735177014129595905e+00_real64, &
         0.60727764409352599905e+00_real64, 0.60725911229889273006e+00_real64, &
         0.60725447933256232972e+00_real64, 0.60725332108987516334e+00_real64, &
         0.60725303152913433540e+00_real64, 0.60725295913894481363e+00_real64, &
         0.60725294104139716351e+00_real64, 0.60725293651701023413e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293538591350073e+00_real64, 0.60725293510313931731e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293503244577146e+00_real64, 0.60725293501477238499e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293501035403837e+00_real64, 0.60725293500924945172e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500897330506e+00_real64, 0.60725293500890426839e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888700922e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888269443e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888161574e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888134606e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888127864e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888126179e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125757e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888125652e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125626e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888125619e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125617e+00_real64 ]
    real(real64) :: beta, c, c2, factor, poweroftwo, s, 
    real(real64) :: s2, sigma, sign_factor, theta, angle
    integer :: j
! scale to radians
    beta = a*deg2rad
! ensure angle is shifted to appropriate range
    call angleShift(beta, -PI, theta)
! check for signs
    if( theta < -half*PI) then
       theta = theta + PI
       sign_factor = -1.0_real64
    else if( half*PI < theta) then
       theta = theta - PI
       sign_factor = -1.0_real64
       sign_factor = +1.0_real64

! set up some initializations...    
    c = 1.0_real64
    s = 0.0_real64
    poweroftwo = 1.0_real64
    angle = angles(1)
! run for 30 iterations (should be good enough, need testing)
    do j=1,n
       sigma = merge(-1.0_real64, +1.0_real64, theta <  0.0_real64)
       factor = sigma*poweroftwo
       c2 = c - factor*s
       s2 = factor*c + s
       c = c2
       s = s2
! update remaining angle
       theta = theta - sigma*angle
       poweroftwo = poweroftwo*0.5_real64
       if(j+1 > 60) then
          angle = angle * 0.5_real64
          angle = angles(j+1)
    enddo !- j
    if(n > 0) then
       c = c*Kvalues(min(n,33))
       s = s*Kvalues(min(n,33))
    c = c*sign_factor
    s = s*sign_factor
    t = [s, c, s/c]
   end subroutine findem
   subroutine angleShift(alpha, beta, gamma)
     real(real64), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
     real(real64), intent(out) :: gamma
     if(alpha < beta) then
        gamma = beta - mod(beta - alpha, TAU) + TAU
        gamma = beta + mod(alpha - beta, TAU) 
   end subroutine angleShift
end program SinCosTan

EDIT Apparently I was timing IO which (a) made the timing longer than necessary and (b) is contrary to bullet #6. I've updated the code to reflect this. I've also discovered that using a kind=8 integer with the intrinsic subroutine system_clock gives microsecond accuracy.

With this updated code, I am now computing each set of values of the trigonometric functions in about 0.3 microseconds (the significant digits in the end vary run-to-run, but it's consistently hovering near 0.31 us), a significant reduction from the previous iteration that timed IO.

program SinCosTan
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: real64 = selected_real_kind(15,307)
   real(real64), parameter :: PI  = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842
   real(real64), parameter :: TAU = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057684
   real(real64), parameter :: half = 0.500000000000000000000_real64
   real(real64), allocatable :: trigs(:,:), angles(:)
   real(real64) :: time(2), times, b
   character(len=12) :: tout
   integer :: i,j,ierr,amax
   integer(kind=8) :: cnt(2)
! check to see how many angles there are
      read(12,*,iostat=ierr) b
      if(ierr/=0) exit
   enddo !- 
   print '(a,i0,a)',"There are ",i," angles"
   amax = i

! allocate array

! rewind the file then read the angles into the array
   do i=1,amax
      read(12,*) angles(i)
   enddo !- i

! compute trig functions & time it
   times = 0.0_real64
   call system_clock(cnt(1)) ! <-- system_clock with an 8-bit INT can time to us
   do i=1,amax
      call CORDIC(angles(i), trigs(:,i), 40)
   enddo !- i
   call system_clock(cnt(2))
   times = times + (cnt(2) - cnt(1))
! write the angles to the file
   do i=1,amax
      do j=1,3
         if(trigs(j,i) > 1d100) then
            write(tout,'(a1)') 'n'
         elseif(abs(trigs(j,i)) > 1.0) then
            write(tout,'(f10.6)') trigs(j,i)
         elseif(abs(trigs(j,i)) < 0.1) then
            write(tout,'(f10.8)') trigs(j,i)
            write(tout,'(f9.7)') trigs(j,i)
         write(10,'(a)',advance='no') tout
      enddo !- j
      write(10,*)" "
   enddo !- i
   print *,"computation took",times/real(i,real64),"us per angle"
   close(10); close(12)
   !> @brief compute sine/cosine/tangent
   subroutine CORDIC(a,t,n)
     real(real64), intent(in) :: a
     real(real64), intent(inout) :: t(3)
     integer, intent(in) :: n
! local variables
     real(real64), parameter :: deg2rad = 1.745329252e-2
     real(real64), parameter :: angles(60) = &
       [ 7.8539816339744830962e-01_real64, 4.6364760900080611621e-01_real64, &
         2.4497866312686415417e-01_real64, 1.2435499454676143503e-01_real64, &
         6.2418809995957348474e-02_real64, 3.1239833430268276254e-02_real64, &
         1.5623728620476830803e-02_real64, 7.8123410601011112965e-03_real64, &
         3.9062301319669718276e-03_real64, 1.9531225164788186851e-03_real64, &
         9.7656218955931943040e-04_real64, 4.8828121119489827547e-04_real64, &
         2.4414062014936176402e-04_real64, 1.2207031189367020424e-04_real64, &
         6.1035156174208775022e-05_real64, 3.0517578115526096862e-05_real64, &
         1.5258789061315762107e-05_real64, 7.6293945311019702634e-06_real64, &
         3.8146972656064962829e-06_real64, 1.9073486328101870354e-06_real64, &
         9.5367431640596087942e-07_real64, 4.7683715820308885993e-07_real64, &
         2.3841857910155798249e-07_real64, 1.1920928955078068531e-07_real64, &
         5.9604644775390554414e-08_real64, 2.9802322387695303677e-08_real64, &
         1.4901161193847655147e-08_real64, 7.4505805969238279871e-09_real64, &
         3.7252902984619140453e-09_real64, 1.8626451492309570291e-09_real64, &
         9.3132257461547851536e-10_real64, 4.6566128730773925778e-10_real64, &
         2.3283064365386962890e-10_real64, 1.1641532182693481445e-10_real64, &
         5.8207660913467407226e-11_real64, 2.9103830456733703613e-11_real64, &
         1.4551915228366851807e-11_real64, 7.2759576141834259033e-12_real64, &
         3.6379788070917129517e-12_real64, 1.8189894035458564758e-12_real64, &
         9.0949470177292823792e-13_real64, 4.5474735088646411896e-13_real64, &
         2.2737367544323205948e-13_real64, 1.1368683772161602974e-13_real64, &
         5.6843418860808014870e-14_real64, 2.8421709430404007435e-14_real64, &
         1.4210854715202003717e-14_real64, 7.1054273576010018587e-15_real64, &
         3.5527136788005009294e-15_real64, 1.7763568394002504647e-15_real64, &
         8.8817841970012523234e-16_real64, 4.4408920985006261617e-16_real64, &
         2.2204460492503130808e-16_real64, 1.1102230246251565404e-16_real64, &
         5.5511151231257827021e-17_real64, 2.7755575615628913511e-17_real64, &
         1.3877787807814456755e-17_real64, 6.9388939039072283776e-18_real64, &
         3.4694469519536141888e-18_real64, 1.7347234759768070944e-18_real64]
     real(real64), parameter :: kvalues(33) = &
       [ 0.70710678118654752440e+00_real64, 0.63245553203367586640e+00_real64, &
         0.61357199107789634961e+00_real64, 0.60883391251775242102e+00_real64, &
         0.60764825625616820093e+00_real64, 0.60735177014129595905e+00_real64, &
         0.60727764409352599905e+00_real64, 0.60725911229889273006e+00_real64, &
         0.60725447933256232972e+00_real64, 0.60725332108987516334e+00_real64, &
         0.60725303152913433540e+00_real64, 0.60725295913894481363e+00_real64, &
         0.60725294104139716351e+00_real64, 0.60725293651701023413e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293538591350073e+00_real64, 0.60725293510313931731e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293503244577146e+00_real64, 0.60725293501477238499e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293501035403837e+00_real64, 0.60725293500924945172e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500897330506e+00_real64, 0.60725293500890426839e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888700922e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888269443e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888161574e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888134606e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888127864e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888126179e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125757e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888125652e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125626e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888125619e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125617e+00_real64 ]
    real(real64) :: beta, c, c2, factor, poweroftwo, s
    real(real64) :: s2, sigma, sign_factor, theta, angle
    integer :: j
! scale to radians
    beta = a*deg2rad
! ensure angle is shifted to appropriate range
    call angleShift(beta, -PI, theta)
! check for signs
    if( theta < -half*PI) then
       theta = theta + PI
       sign_factor = -1.0_real64
    else if( half*PI < theta) then
       theta = theta - PI
       sign_factor = -1.0_real64
       sign_factor = +1.0_real64

! set up some initializations...    
    c = 1.0_real64
    s = 0.0_real64
    poweroftwo = 1.0_real64
    angle = angles(1)
! run for 30 iterations (should be good enough, need testing)
    do j=1,n
       sigma = merge(-1.0_real64, +1.0_real64, theta <  0.0_real64)
       factor = sigma*poweroftwo
       c2 = c - factor*s
       s2 = factor*c + s
       c = c2
       s = s2
! update remaining angle
       theta = theta - sigma*angle
       poweroftwo = poweroftwo*0.5_real64
       if(j+1 > 60) then
          angle = angle * 0.5_real64
          angle = angles(j+1)
    enddo !- j
    if(n > 0) then
       c = c*Kvalues(min(n,33))
       s = s*Kvalues(min(n,33))
    c = c*sign_factor
    s = s*sign_factor
    t = [s, c, s/c]
   end subroutine CORDIC
   subroutine angleShift(alpha, beta, gamma)
     real(real64), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
     real(real64), intent(out) :: gamma
     if(alpha < beta) then
        gamma = beta - mod(beta - alpha, TAU) + TAU
        gamma = beta + mod(alpha - beta, TAU) 
   end subroutine angleShift
end program SinCosTan
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Kyle Kanos
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Fortran 90

I employ the CORDIC method with a pre-tabulated array of 60 arctan values (see Wiki article for details on why that's necessary).

This code requires a file,, with all the values on newlines to be stored in the same folder as the Fortran executable. Compiling this is,

gfortran -O3 -o file file.f90

where file is whatever filename you give it (probably SinCosTan.f90 would be easiest, though it's not necessary to match program name and file name). If you have the Intel compiler, I'd recommend using

ifort -O3 -xHost -o file file.f90

as the -xHost (which doesn't exist for gfortran) provides higher level optimizations available to your processor.

My test runs were giving me about 10 microseconds per calculation when testing 1000 random angles using gfortran 4.4 (4.7 or 4.8 is available in the Ubuntu repos) and around 9.5 microseconds using ifort 12.1. Testing only 10 random angles will result in an indeterminable time using Fortran routines, as the timing routine is accurate to the millisecond and simple math says it should take 0.100 milliseconds to run all 10 numbers.

program SinCosTan
   !use iso_fortran_env, only: real64
   implicit none
   integer, parameter :: real64 = selected_real_kind(15,307)
   real(real64), parameter :: PI  = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028842
   real(real64), parameter :: TAU = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590057684
   real(real64), parameter :: half = 0.500000000000000000000_real64
   real(real64) :: trigs(3), time(2), times, ang
   character(len=12) :: tout
   integer :: i,j,ierr

! compute trig functions & time it
   times = 0.0_real64
   call cpu_time(time(1))
      read(12,*,iostat=ierr) ang
      if(ierr/=0) exit
      call findem(ang,trigs(i),40)
      do j=1,3
         if(trigs(j) > 1d100) then
            write(tout,'(a1)') 'n'
         elseif(abs(trigs(j)) > 1.0) then
            write(tout,'(f10.6)') trigs(j)
         elseif(abs(trigs(j)) < 0.1) then
            write(tout,'(f10.8)') trigs(j)
            write(tout,'(f9.7)') trigs(j)
         write(10,'(a)',advance='no') tout
      enddo !- i
      write(10,*)" "
   enddo !- j
   call cpu_time(time(2))
   times = times + time(2) - time(1)
   print *,"computation took",times/real(i,real64)*1e6,"us"
   close(10); close(12)
   !> @brief compute sine/cosine/tangent
   subroutine findem(a,t,n)
     real(real64), intent(in) :: a
     real(real64), intent(inout) :: t(3)
     integer, intent(in) :: n
! local variables
     real(real64), parameter :: deg2rad = 1.745329252e-2
     real(real64), parameter :: angles(60) = &
       [ 7.8539816339744830962e-01_real64, 4.6364760900080611621e-01_real64, &
         2.4497866312686415417e-01_real64, 1.2435499454676143503e-01_real64, &
         6.2418809995957348474e-02_real64, 3.1239833430268276254e-02_real64, &
         1.5623728620476830803e-02_real64, 7.8123410601011112965e-03_real64, &
         3.9062301319669718276e-03_real64, 1.9531225164788186851e-03_real64, &
         9.7656218955931943040e-04_real64, 4.8828121119489827547e-04_real64, &
         2.4414062014936176402e-04_real64, 1.2207031189367020424e-04_real64, &
         6.1035156174208775022e-05_real64, 3.0517578115526096862e-05_real64, &
         1.5258789061315762107e-05_real64, 7.6293945311019702634e-06_real64, &
         3.8146972656064962829e-06_real64, 1.9073486328101870354e-06_real64, &
         9.5367431640596087942e-07_real64, 4.7683715820308885993e-07_real64, &
         2.3841857910155798249e-07_real64, 1.1920928955078068531e-07_real64, &
         5.9604644775390554414e-08_real64, 2.9802322387695303677e-08_real64, &
         1.4901161193847655147e-08_real64, 7.4505805969238279871e-09_real64, &
         3.7252902984619140453e-09_real64, 1.8626451492309570291e-09_real64, &
         9.3132257461547851536e-10_real64, 4.6566128730773925778e-10_real64, &
         2.3283064365386962890e-10_real64, 1.1641532182693481445e-10_real64, &
         5.8207660913467407226e-11_real64, 2.9103830456733703613e-11_real64, &
         1.4551915228366851807e-11_real64, 7.2759576141834259033e-12_real64, &
         3.6379788070917129517e-12_real64, 1.8189894035458564758e-12_real64, &
         9.0949470177292823792e-13_real64, 4.5474735088646411896e-13_real64, &
         2.2737367544323205948e-13_real64, 1.1368683772161602974e-13_real64, &
         5.6843418860808014870e-14_real64, 2.8421709430404007435e-14_real64, &
         1.4210854715202003717e-14_real64, 7.1054273576010018587e-15_real64, &
         3.5527136788005009294e-15_real64, 1.7763568394002504647e-15_real64, &
         8.8817841970012523234e-16_real64, 4.4408920985006261617e-16_real64, &
         2.2204460492503130808e-16_real64, 1.1102230246251565404e-16_real64, &
         5.5511151231257827021e-17_real64, 2.7755575615628913511e-17_real64, &
         1.3877787807814456755e-17_real64, 6.9388939039072283776e-18_real64, &
         3.4694469519536141888e-18_real64, 1.7347234759768070944e-18_real64]
     real(real64), parameter :: kvalues(33) = &
       [ 0.70710678118654752440e+00_real64, 0.63245553203367586640e+00_real64, &
         0.61357199107789634961e+00_real64, 0.60883391251775242102e+00_real64, &
         0.60764825625616820093e+00_real64, 0.60735177014129595905e+00_real64, &
         0.60727764409352599905e+00_real64, 0.60725911229889273006e+00_real64, &
         0.60725447933256232972e+00_real64, 0.60725332108987516334e+00_real64, &
         0.60725303152913433540e+00_real64, 0.60725295913894481363e+00_real64, &
         0.60725294104139716351e+00_real64, 0.60725293651701023413e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293538591350073e+00_real64, 0.60725293510313931731e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293503244577146e+00_real64, 0.60725293501477238499e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293501035403837e+00_real64, 0.60725293500924945172e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500897330506e+00_real64, 0.60725293500890426839e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888700922e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888269443e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888161574e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888134606e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888127864e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888126179e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125757e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888125652e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125626e+00_real64, 0.60725293500888125619e+00_real64, &
         0.60725293500888125617e+00_real64 ]
    real(real64) :: beta, c, c2, factor, poweroftwo, s, 
    real(real64) :: s2, sigma, sign_factor, theta, angle
    integer :: j
! scale to radians
    beta = a*deg2rad
! ensure angle is shifted to appropriate range
    call angleShift(beta, -PI, theta)
! check for signs
    if( theta < -half*PI) then
       theta = theta + PI
       sign_factor = -1.0_real64
    else if( half*PI < theta) then
       theta = theta - PI
       sign_factor = -1.0_real64
       sign_factor = +1.0_real64

! set up some initializations...    
    c = 1.0_real64
    s = 0.0_real64
    poweroftwo = 1.0_real64
    angle = angles(1)
! run for 30 iterations (should be good enough, need testing)
    do j=1,n
       sigma = merge(-1.0_real64, +1.0_real64, theta <  0.0_real64)
       factor = sigma*poweroftwo
       c2 = c - factor*s
       s2 = factor*c + s
       c = c2
       s = s2
! update remaining angle
       theta = theta - sigma*angle
       poweroftwo = poweroftwo*0.5_real64
       if(j+1 > 60) then
          angle = angle * 0.5_real64
          angle = angles(j+1)
    enddo !- j
    if(n > 0) then
       c = c*Kvalues(min(n,33))
       s = s*Kvalues(min(n,33))
    c = c*sign_factor
    s = s*sign_factor
    t = [s, c, s/c]
   end subroutine findem
   subroutine angleShift(alpha, beta, gamma)
     real(real64), intent(in) :: alpha, beta
     real(real64), intent(out) :: gamma
     if(alpha < beta) then
        gamma = beta - mod(beta - alpha, TAU) + TAU
        gamma = beta + mod(alpha - beta, TAU) 
   end subroutine angleShift
end program SinCosTan