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sub steps {
($s,$e,%o)=@_; #start, end, occupied set as hash from input args in @_
@w=(0,$s); #initial work (steps,square)
while(($n,$s,@w)=@w){ #while work left to be done
$s-$e||last, #bail if current square $s equals $e end square
push@w, #register new work/new squares to be checked
map{$n+1,$_} # (new steps, new square)
grep{ #filter
($a,$b,$c,$d) #coords of current square ($a,$b)
=map{$_>>3,$_%8}$s,$_; #...and potential new square ($c,$d)
!(($a-$c)**2+($b-$d)**2-5 #pythagorean horsyness check of new vs current
||$o{$_}++) #...non-occupied new squares
#...and register new square as occupied
#...with ++ to not enter it again
0..63 #loop through potential new squares
$n #return n steps from last work